There are five risks caused by the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period

menstrual period sexual
Many people try to avoid the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because of many factors such as the morality factor and also obeying the religion rule. Especially for Islam, it is not allowed to be conducted during the menstrual period. Some of people feel so disgusted when conduct the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because the woman genital is still bleeding. Recently there are some researchers found that this activity can create a negative effect for the woman`s reproductive organs.

These are the following explanation related to why the sexual intercourse can be dangerous to be conducted during the menstrual period.
  1. It will have a high risk to get some sexual disease infection. It happens because when getting the menstrual period, the woman`s cervical will open widely therefore the bacteria and the dangerous fungi enable to go into the woman cervix through this process. When conducting the sexual intercourse it often to make a small injured for the woman`s vagina. The unsterile menstrual blood or unsterile sperm which contains a lot of bacteria can enter to the body easily. The HIV/AIDS viruses can be spread quickly through this process.
  2. During the menstrual period, the woman vagina will have a lower PH / acidity level therefore the penetration of the bacteria and even viruses can`t be protected optimally.
  3. Endometriosis happens because of the entering unsterile blood in the woman`s body through the oviduct. It will happen easily when the woman conduct the sexual intercourse until she getting orgasm. It can create some strong contraction in the woman`s uterus.
  4. The emboli will happen because of the penetration of the air bubbling. Possibly the woman will get the blood vessel opening during the menstrual period, therefore it will be very dangerous if there is an air bubble entering the woman`s body through the opening blood vessel. It will obstruct the blood circulation in the hearth area and even it will have a high risk of death.
  5. Sexual intercourse during the menstrual period will also have a possibility to get a pregnancy. It happens because several women have irregular and short menstrual cycle. The sperm can survive to leave in the womb for 2-3 days.
  • Many people try to avoid the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because of many factors such as the morality factor and also obeying the religion rule.
  • The sexual intercourse cab be dangerous because it will make some dangerous problems of health.
  • The hearth Emboli may happen if we conduct the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period.


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