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Some tips to prepare the pregnancy and the childbirth process

natural childbirth process
The preparations of the pregnancy and childbirth process begin when the woman gets the positive result of the pregnancy test. It can be in the first week or some weeks later. There are three phases for the parents to prepare the childbirth. The first is the preparation which is needed during the pregnancy, the second is the preparation which is needed before the childbirth, and the last is the preparation which is needed after the childbirth process.

The mental preparation is very important to be done during the pregnancy, and it can be done by feeling happy, having a positive thinking, getting the affection from the husband and the family, praying to god, and finding more information about the pregnancy (From the books, internet and someone experience).

Physical preparation is also needed when the baby is still in the womb. It can be done by consuming some foods which contains a lot of nutrition, and consuming many kinds of foods in more serving. We can consult to the doctor to control the woman`s health and also the fetus health. The pregnant woman must take an adequate rest, doing the pregnant exercise, and caring the woman breast in appropriate way.

Environmental preparation can be done to prepare the woman`s pregnancy and the childbirth process  It must be supported by the husband and the family emotionally. If the condition of our environment is clean and healthy, it will have a good influence for the woman`s psychology.

The mental preparation which can be done is by praying to the god so that we can get the easier way to pass the pregnancy and the childbirth process. As we know that the childbirth is the most amazing process and we have to make a great struggle to improve our spirit during the childbirth process. We should know some indications of the childbirth process and the best time to bring the pregnant woman to the nearest clinics, midwife, or to the hospital to get the medical treatment for the childbirth process.

The material preparation is important because we must have a great consideration related to the how much the cost needed during the natural childbirth process and after the childbirth process.  We should have a good preparation for our baby such as some clothes for the baby, toiletries, baby gears, etc. the environmental preparation which can be done before the childbirth is providing the clean rooms which has an adequate ventilation so that the room get the sunlight in every morning.

After the childbirth we can do the mental preparation for the baby, for example the mother begins to learn about how to take care of the baby, how to bath the baby, care the baby`s umbilical cord, how to message the baby, and how to identify some indications about the baby`s health disruption. The physical/material preparation after the childbirth can be done by take care of the physical and psychological health to get an adequate breast milk production.

  • The preparations of pregnancy and childbirth process can be physically, mentally, and environmentally.
  • The physical and psychological health is very important to prepare the pregnancy and the childbirth.


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