It is very dangerous for the young children to consume the fresh water

negative effects fresh water  for the baby`s health
The fresh water is very important for the human health, but if we give it to the very young baby it will cause some negative effect. It is very important to be understood by the parents. The parents often give the fresh water to the baby although the baby is less than 6 months old. They often give it after give suck or in other occasions. There are some negative effects for the baby`s health
  • The bacterial infection will happen for the young baby who has consumed much fresh water. The indication of the bacterial infection is getting the diarrhea. The feces also contain some bloods caused by consuming much fresh water. Moreover if there is unsterile fresh water which is consumed by the young baby.
  • The brain disorder, it happens because the kidneys don’t work well yet. If the young baby consumes much fresh water, the electrolyte which is useful for the baby will leave out through the urine. If there are a lot of electrolytes left out from the body, the young baby will have some stiffs, the heart disruptions or lung disruptions, and some brain disruptions. Those can be indicated by the reducing the body temperature of the young baby, even the baby gets some stiffs.
  • It can damage the baby`s kidney. It happens because the kidneys of the young baby don’t function yet. The kidney has a function to manage the circulation of the human body fluids. As an example if we consume much fresh water we will get the urination frequently. While in the warm weather, we will have the urination rarely. We know that the baby`s kidney will be very difficult to manage the circulation of the body fluids if the baby consume much fresh water. 
  • The young baby will poisoned if the baby consume much fresh water. It have been explained by a researcher and also the experts of children`s center in Baltimore USA , Dr. Jennifer Anders darijohn Hopkins that giving the fresh water for the baby who is less than 6 months old will cause some intoxication. It happens because the kidney is not ready yet to process the circulation of the body fluids in high scale. The fresh water consumed by the baby will spread the sodium (a mineral that can to speed up the metabolism of the body). Therefore if the baby have a lower sodium the baby will get some intoxication, the swelling of the face, and even the baby will get some stiffs. Therefore it will be better for us to give the baby with an adequate breast milk supply.


  • There are some dangerous effects for the young baby when consuming fresh water such as bacterial infection. Brain disorder, kidney break, and poisoned. 
  • It happens because the baby`s kidney don’t function optimally yet.

The Fruits are good for the Pregnant Women

Health Fruits for Pregnant Women
The pregnant women are certainly require amount of the nutrients more to keeping their health and maximize the growth of the fetus in the womb. Besides they consume healthy foods, the pregnant women are also suggested to consume more fruits and vegetables to fulfill the needs of vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

These nutrients intake should be a particular concern because it will affect the growth of fetus in every developments of the age of gestation. And basically all of fruits have a good vitamin for the pregnant women health. But, there are some fruits that principally more consumed when the pregnancy, they are:

1. Dates fruit

Dates fruit contain high fiber, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, calcium and magnesium which are very good to consumed by the pregnant women. Besides Dates fruit also has a high level of sugar, 60-65% than the other fruits.
  • Iron on a dates fruit can increase the hemoglobin of the pregnant women so avoid from anemia,
  • Calcium can overcome the cramps during the pregnancy,
  • Dates have a high amount of vitamin B complex, so it is needed by the pregnant women,
  • Dates fruit can strengthen the uterus wall, and
  • Giving the energy to the preparation of giving birt

2. Avocado

Up till now, avocado is believed to beautify the skin. Besides the content of folic acid, potassium and vitamin B complex also required for development the fetus in the womb. The high folic acid in avocado helps the development of the brain and spinal column of the fetus, so it is very good consumed by the young pregnant women. Vitamin B complex in avocados can also be used to treat queasy and vomiting in the young pregnant women.

3. Mangosteen fruit

It contains nutrients that are needed by the pregnant women. Mangosteen fruit contains vitamin C which function to keep the immune of the pregnant women and keeping the elasticity of skin so reducing the risk of strackmark. Mangosteen fruits also contains the folic acid to reduce the risk of premature baby birth or fetus anomaly like fetal abnormality as the example is defect organs since baby in the womb. Manganese in the Mangosteen fruit can protect the fetus from free radicals, helps formation of the cartilage and the skeleton of the fetus since in the womb.

  • The health of pregnant women must be keeped so that the growth of fetus is maximal and has no disability or premature birth, 
  • The requirement of nutrition for the pregnant women must be completed by consume the fresh fruits and vegetables every day, 
  • The Fruits are good for the pregnant women are Dates, Avocado and Mangosteen 

The contraception usage after give birth

contraception usage after give birth
The purpose of the contraception is to manage the pregnancy planning therefore it will create a good prosperity for the family members. But we have to consider about how to use and when to use the contraception. It is very important to us to know about that. As we know that a woman who has passed the Puerperium period, she can get the pregnancy soon.

The IUD contraception can be used after the give birth. The most important things to be considered is that the woman is still giving suck or not. Sometimes the contraception usage can decrease the breast milk.

The contraception tablet and combinative injection which contains estrogen hormone has a high potential to decrease the breast milk production. Therefore it will be better to choose the contraception tablet or injection which contains the progesterone.

WHO has advised for the woman to give the breast milk for her baby, and it will be better to use the contraception which contains the progesterone derivative hormone on the 6 months after give birth to avoid the pregnancy especially for the woman who gets a caesarean operation.

Another opinion state that giving the breast milk can be used as a natural contraception method because it can obstruct the woman`s fertile. But sometime this method is only ineffective because the woman can also get a pregnancy while giving suck therefore it will be better to combine with another method.

  • The contraception usage can be used to manage the pregnancy planning therefore it will create a good prosperity for the family members.
  • IUD can be used after the childbirth process

The influence of the aging toward the woman`s fertile period

women fertile period
The woman`s fertile period is related to the ability of the woman to get a pregnancy. We have to know that there is no physical indication that shows the decreasing of the woman`s ability to get a pregnancy along the aging process. If we want to conduct an effective pregnancy planning we should know about how the influence of the aging toward the woman`s fertile.

A woman will have menstrual cycles until reach the menopause period. But we should know that the woman fertile starting to decrease after 30 years old. The opportunity of the woman`s pregnancy is 20 % when she is 30 years old, and it will decrease until 5% per month when she is 40 years old.

The influence of the aging toward the woman fertile period is proved because the old woman will have a high risk to get some biological problems. the aging can make the woman`s reproduction organ cannot work optimally to produce the ovum.

The quality of the ovum will decrease after 30 years old, and it will decrease significantly until the woman reaches the menopause period. The woman`s fertile period degradation will be indicated by the irregular menstrual cycle.

The woman`s fertile period degradation is not only decrease the pregnant opportunities but it can also have a high risk to be miscarriage. It happens because there is an ovum chromosome disorder that can cause a miscarriage.

The woman will have a high risk to get a miscarriage because of the aging factor. One of the research finding shows that a woman who is less than 30 years old will have 5 % of the miscarriage risk. While a woman who is 35-49 years old will have 16% of miscarriage risk. And will be very dangerous for the woman who is 44-46 years old because the miscarriage risk will reach 60 %.

  • The woman fertile period degradation will start from 30 years old until reach the menopause period.
  • The woman who is more than 30 years old will have a high risk to get miscarriage.

Sleeping in the dark is an effective way to get a pregnancy

Getting an effective way to get the pregnancy is like completing the difficult puzzle. Many couples have done so many tips to get the pregnancy, but they still getting failure. Therefore in this article we try to share some ideas and tips for getting the pregnancy. One of the tips for getting the pregnancy is sleeping in the dark.

Turning off the lamp becomes an effective way for the people who want to sleep well. Some researches show that sleeping in the dark can increase the opportunities of the woman`s pregnancy and it is recommended for the woman who want to get pregnancy.

Russel J Reiter, the expert of the biological cellular from the Texas Health Science Center University explains that “the dark situation has a good effect for the woman`s health and protect the growth of the embryo during the pregnancy”.

The research which is related to the effective ways to get a pregnancy

In his research he found that the melatonin value and circadian have a great role for the woman reproductive processes. If the woman sleeps in the bright place, the production of the melatonin will decrease. Melatonin is a hormone which is produced by the brain pineal gland that can stimulate the sleepiness. In a dark condition the production of the melatonin will increase. This hormone is very important because it can protect the ovum from the oxidative stressing.

The melatonin hormone has a lot of antioxidant which can protect the ovum from the destruction caused by free radical therefore the ovum can be fertilized by the sperm. It will be better for the woman to get a good time management for sleeping at least 8 hours at night and make sure that you must sleep in the dark.

This method may be very difficult for the woman who is not accustomed yet to sleep in the dark. But this habit should be done because it will have a good effect for the embryo health and it doesn`t spend much money to do that.

  • Some ways to get a faster pregnancy which is done by someone may not be effective for others. 
  • There are so many techniques for getting an effective pregnancy but we have to choose one of them which appropriate, one of the techniques which can be done is by sleeping in the dark.

How to check the IUD / Spiral contraception in the right position

check the spiral IUD contraception tips
The IUD contraception must be checked regularly in order to make sure that the contraception has been set in a right position. At this time Indonesian people prefer to use this kind of contraception because it has a lower risk and it has a great effectiveness in managing the pregnancy planning. But there are some users that have some problems when using this kind of contraception.

The problems which are caused by the spiral contraception usage often make some user becomes so worry. It happens because the contraception doesn’t install properly. The shape of this tool is like the latter T and it is set up in the woman`s cervix. If it doesn’t install properly, it doesn’t work properly or even it can make some problems for the user.

Tips for using the IUD contraception:
  1. Checking the woman`s genitals to know is there any infection, inflammation, or uterine wall thickening (IUD cannot be installed if there is some infection or inflammation in the woman`s uterus. If there is some infection or inflammation it will be better for getting the medical treatment before doing the installation. 
  2. It will be better if the IUD installation is conducted in the menstruation period to make sure that there is no pregnancy, and it will make installation process becomes easy because at this phase the cervix will open widely.
  3. Check the position of the IUD contraception regularly in every one week, 3 months, 6 months, or one year.
  4. If there is a pain, or a leucorrhea we have to consult to the doctor to get some treatment.

How to check the IUD contraception by yourself

Make sure that your contraception has installed properly get a good result. It can be done by yourself. There are some procedures to check the IUD contraception by yourself.
  • Wash your hand with a soap and water before doing the next steps.
  • Get a squatting position and then put your finger into the cervix to reach where the position of the IUD.
  • If you can`t find the IUD threat, it may be getting lost or getting improper position.
  • If you can reach the tip of the IUD, it means that there are some possibilities that your IUD will lose.
  • If you have a pain or feel uncomfortable when touching the cervix or some problems above you should contacts the doctor to get some treatments.
  • To avoid the pregnancy and several problems, you have to make sure that the IUD has installed properly.
  • Checking the IUD can be done by yourself, but to change the IUD in a right position you must consult to the doctor to get some treatment.

The side effect of using contraception tablet and injective contraception

negative effect of contraception tablet
Many people prefer to use the contraception tablet and injective contraception. They assume that this kind of contraception is simple, effective, and cheap. But we have to know that this kind of contraception will have some negative side. And it can be found when we start to use it. These are the following effects caused by contraception tablet and injective contraception with health.

Headache, dizzy, and breast pain

The woman using this kind of contraception may have some problems such as the headache, dizzy, and also breast pain. These problems can be treated in several days after use this kind of contraception.


The woman may have this problem after using this kind of contraception, and it can be treated in several months after use this kind of contraception. It can be reduced by consuming several foods while drink the contraception tablet. If you still get the queasy, it is better for you to change with other contraception such as IUD.


The use of contraception tablet and injective contraception can make some bleeding (Having menstruation in a long period). It can make the woman feels so frustrated, and worried to have a reproductive organ disorder. We should not be worried about that because sometimes it can make some effects such as bleeding.

Libido reduction

To solve this problem, we can change with a contraception which is androgenic (such as the testosterone). If it cannot be solved successfully we can choose another contraception method.

The change of mood

The hormonal method can make some mood changes therefore if the patient wants to continue the contraception usage the doctor will give anti-depressant.

Based on the new research, another side effect of this kind of contraception usage is getting a risk of heart attack. It happens especially for the smoking woman, a woman who is overweight, and a women who is from the family that has a heart attack history. If it can create some serious problems it is better for us to consult to the doctor as soon as possible.

  • Many Indonesian people prefer to use the contraception tablet and injective contraception.
  • The negative effects of the contraception tablet and injective contraception are headache, dizzy, queasy, bleeding, libido reduction, the change of mood, and hearth attack.

The Dangers of Fried Food for the Young Pregnant Women

Young Pregnant Women
The Young Pregnant Women commonly experience the kind of the complaints, starting from queasy, vomiting, headache, weak body, and the others complaint. For those of you the young pregnant women who like consume fried foods before pregnant, you should stop your hobby to reduce queasy and vomiting. This disorder is often happen and it would be worse if you are have fried foods more.

Generally the symptoms of queasy and vomiting in the young pregnant women are caused presence the comeon of food in the form of liquid, containing oil, sharp spiced foods, too spicy, too sweet or too acid foods. So if you really want to consume the fried foods, advisable half-baked. And it would be better if the food’s young pregnant women are baked, grilled or boiled.

In addition, the pregnant women should consume dry food. This is certainly to overcome the nuisance caused by a hormonal imbalance in the young pregnant women which trigger queasy and vomiting. For example of the dry food is recommended for the pregnant women are toast, fish, grilled or roasted chicken, vegetables and fruits.

Besides consume the foods above, the pregnant women should also sufficing liquid intake into the body. But it also should pay attention to counts so do not stimulate the symptoms of queasy and vomiting incessantly. Drink little by little and when after eating, wait 15 minutes, then drink warm water.

The young pregnant women also have to apply the principles of eating with balanced nutrient. This is caused the third trimester of gestation is a moment that most determines the formation and growth of the fetus in the womb. The good nutrients for the young pregnant women are sourced from carbohydrates, vegetable protein, animal protein, vegetables and fresh and health fruits.

  • The complaints of the Young Pregnant Women would more worse if many consume fried food, 
  • The Young Pregnant Women foods should be processed by grilled, roasted and boiled, 
  • The Dangers of Fried Food for the Young Pregnant Women exacerbate complaints for the gestation, 

The Ways of Healthy Diet to Against the Cancer

Healthy Diet Tips
The healthy diet is not only able to keep an ideal weight but actually it can also be done to fight the cancer. The primary key of this diet is by consume the healthy food and contain many antioxidants. So that be the basis of this diet method are the combination of bounding and avoiding the food triggers the cancer, and increasing foods that can fight the cancer cells.

There are six diet can help reduce the risk of cancer, are as following:
  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy vegetables in order to reduce the risk of cancer  wholly. The fruits and vegetables contain protective compounds and phytochemical antioxidants which can protect the body from cancer.
  • Eating soy products such as tempeh or tofu contain protective compounds so reduce the risk and recrudescent of the breast cancer. For the maximal results, you can change the need of meat by soy products, so the fat, the other chemicals cause trigger cancer and heart disease can be reduced.
  • Limiting or avoiding dairy products are purposed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It is more especially to a person in his family have a history of prostate cancer. The trigger of cancer in dairy products derived from calcium content. But, there are other research did mention that dairy products can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. So the consumption of it should be arranged in amount.
  • Avoid the alcoholic beverages because it can trigger the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, and breast. This is reinforced based on the observation that a person who consumes the alcoholic drinks in a week can increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, and larynx as many as 24%. Whereas if a person consumes two to three the alcoholic drinks in a week can increase the risk of colorectal cancer as many as 21%.
  • Avoid consumption the red meat and the processed meat. It are purpose to reduce the risk of colon and rectum cancer, prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and reducing the risk of premature death.
  • Avoid consumption the burned meat, fried, and roasted to reduce the risk of cancer of the colon, rectum, breast, prostate, kidney, and pancreas. Because if the meat is cooked with the above, it can remove carcinogenic compound or trigger the cancer is called heterocyclic compounds.
  • The main key of the Ways of Healthy Diet to Fight Cancer is by eating the healthy foods and contain lots of antioxidants,
  • The cancer-preventing foods are fruits, the green fresh vegetables and soy products,
  • The cancer-causing foods are dairy products, alcoholic beverages, including red meat and processed meat and the meats are burned.

Fast Pregnant Tips by Recognize the Characteristics of the Women Fertile Period

Fast Pregnant Tips
So many information are circulated about how to get pregnant quickly. Between the tips of pregnant fast, there are  justified scientifically but some of them are just a myth that even sometimes are not accordance with medical research.

It is important to know when and how the characteristics of women who are undergoing fertile period. At the time of ovulation or undergoing fertile period, that time a married couple have the best possibility to get pregnant quickly and have children. For the married couples who are looking for a quick way to get pregnant or are doing a program of pregnancy, it is suggested to have intercourse when the woman is in the fertile period. Avoid having sex 2-3 days before the fertile period in order to the sperm are fixed best quality because the process of the formation of sperm until mature need 3 days. The ways to recognize the Women Fertile Period are:

1. Counting the Ovulation / Fertile Period in Women

The ovulation or the woman's fertile period is 14 days before the next menstrual period. The way to know the fertile period in women are by observe the reguler menstrual cycle . In women with irregular menstrual cycles, determining the fertile period can be done by the various of detection devices or observation on the liquid in the female organs, these methods are more appropriate than observed the menstrual calendar.

2. Observing the Change of Cervical Liquid

There are some of marks when the women are ovulating or are in the fertile period. One of them is the change of the liquid in the female organs. The liquid which out of the cervix is called "The Servicks Mucous". If not in a fertile period it is textured sticky and viscous. The change occurs before the fertile period (ovulation) that are by increasing the amount of liquid and changing the texture becomes more clear and more liquid.

3. The Women in the Fertile Period the Sexual Desires are Increase

At the time the women are ovulated or in the fertile period, female hormones will increase so it will have an effect on increasing the sexual desires in the women. Hence, if a woman is in high eager desire, it can be said as the right time to have sex with a spouse in order to have children quickly.

4. The Women in the Fertile Period the Temperature of Bodies are Increase and the Breasts are more Soft 

The emergence of the hormone progesterone when ovulation period will trigger rise the temperature of bodies. But because the increase only slightly that are between 0.5 degrees Celsius, so it is quite difficult to observe the fertile period just by observing the increase in women's body. Besides, the high hormone production during ovulation causes a change in the body including the breasts become more soft.

Thank you for reading this How to Fast Pregnant Tips article in Family Health Clinic. Hoping the tips about the woman and her pregnancy are useful for you and your spouse are looking for information about the pregnancy.

  • Some of the Fast Pregnant Tips are circulated in the society is just a myth that not proved yet by medical research, 
  • The Quick Pregnant Way which is the most efficient is by knowing the woman's fertile period, 
  • The Ways to Know the Women Fertile Period can be done with Menstrual Calendar Calculations, Cervical liquid change, observing female sexual desire and measuring the body temperature

There are many of Breast nipple shape and how to Breastfeeding Technique

breastfeeding process
The woman breast has a function to transfer the breast milk to the baby, and the breast nipples will have great role to transfer the breast milk. The baby will suck the woman breast nipple to get the breast milk. But for the woman who has flat/inverted nipples may have known how to breastfeeding bechnique her baby.

Actually there is no problem about how to breastfeeding   because the breastfeeding can be done by using many kinds of breast nipples. The woman can breastfeeding easily by using an appropriate technique.

Some useful techniques for the woman who has flat/depressed/inverted nipples

When you realized that you have flat/depressed/inverted nipples, don’t try to pull out or pinch your nipples in order to make the nipples emerging and the baby will be able to breastfeeding easily.

We need to know that if the woman pinches the breast nipple during the pregnancy especially in the first semester of the pregnancy. It will encourage some contractions that can cause the premature birth.

Giving breastfeeding technique for the woman who has flat breast nipple shape

In early lactation the woman may have some difficulty for breastfeeding. But it will be done easily by using an appropriate technique. Baby will suck the breast milk through the areola not from the nipple. Therefore it will be better for us to do some initiation for the baby and let your baby to reach the breast and areola by himself.
  1. You may try to get a nestle position such as cross-cradle and football/clutch. You may try to pull up the breast nipple by using shrink pump, pull up the nipple with you finger in order to help your baby to get the breast milk easily.
  2. You can do some techniques such as shore up the breasts from the bottom with your fingers, and press the top of the breast with your thumb. But do not hold too close to the nipple breast (C hold, U hold)
The most important thing which should be considered by the woman is that the baby must in a good position when breastfeeding. The breastfeeding process is not related to how to suck the breast nipple but the way how to get the breast milk through the areola. Therefore you must consider about a good position for breastfeeding. Let see the following explanation:
  • Make sure that the baby`s chin is attached the mother`s breast.
  • Make sure that the baby can suck not only the nipple but also the areola. Make sure that the baby can suck amount of the areola.
  • Make sure that the baby`s mouth has a good position to suck the breast milk.
  • Make sure that the baby`s mouth can open widely to suck the breast milk.
By using appropriate techniques for breastfeeding the woman will get some pleasure for breastfeeding. It will speed up the breastfeeding process. If you haven’t find appropriate techniques for breastfeeding, it will be better to consult to the doctor.

  • The breast nipples shape will influence the breastfeeding process
  • The woman who has flat breast nipples will need appropriate techniques for breastfeeding
  • If the woman has some problems about breastfeeding that is caused by flat breast nipples, she can try to use appropriate techniques for breastfeeding.

How to Detect the Autism in Children since Early

Autism in Children Indications
Autism in Children considered by many parents as a damnation which is shameful the family. Whereas, autism is a child developmental disorder that can be cured and healed. It reminds us how important the information about autism in order to more children with autism can be healed.

The treatment of autism in children will be easier to do if the therapy is done as early as possible, are intensively and integrated. If it is done the children with autism will develop as the other normal child. It is of course also supported, how to detect autism as early as possible.

The indications of autism that you need to be wary are as following:

1.    The poor communication quality

The poor communication condition consists of several stages they are: heavy spectrum, medium and light. The spectrum are mild and moderate marked with the child is still able to communicate sometimes connect but sometimes move into something else quickly. Whereas the weight spectrum, children are very difficult to communicate.

2.    Like to play alone

Imagination is reasonable thing to do when the age of children. But when they have own imagination and excessive, ought the parent suspect that their children suffering autism. They want to join with the other friends but they are very selective.

3.    The labile emotional

The children who suffer the autism are upset easily. Even the small and trivial things also able to make they are rampage. They are also inclined to be scared easily by the irrational things (like seeing a funny movie are scared, but when seeing horror movies do not be afraid).

4.    Like repetitive movements

The children who suffer the autism like to see the rotating object, such as a fan. Or when playing cars only focus on the wheels rotation. They are also disposed to like the same toy in a long time.

5.    The perception disorder

The children who suffer the autism also have problems of sense devices, including hearing, vision, and touching. For example, if there is the sound of music is louder, a baby crying or passing car, they will complain noisy. The children with autism usually do not feel comfortable when they are touch and wearing the long cloth.

  • Autism in the Children can be healed easily, especially if it is known early,
  • The Indication of Autism Children are Liking Repetitive Movements, The Perception Disorder, The Unstable Emotional, Like to Play Alone, The Poor Communication Quality

Many people do not know importance of the breast cares especially for the pregnant woman

There are many pregnant woman do not aware about the importance of the breast care because some factors. For example the women do not know about the importance of the breast care during the lactation. The women will get some changes in her breast during the pregnancy. The woman will feel that her breast becomes more tight, and bigger. After the give birth the woman breast weight will be 1,5 times bigger than before.

The veins under the breast skin will become clear, the blood vessels will be dilated, the nipples and areola have will have a dark color. Before the childbirth there will be some white spots appear around the areola. This spots have some glands produce an oil that has a function to protect the nipple when giving suck. Therefore it is important to the woman to get the breast cares during the pregnancy. It makes the breast is in a good shape during the lactation.

There are three steps to care the woman breast

It is recommended that the woman start to care the breast after 5-6 months of pregnancy.  If you do the breast treatment in the beginning of pregnancy, it will create some contraction to the womb which is very dangerous for the pregnant woman and her fetus. Let see the following ways to conduct the breast treatment.

1.    Massaging

The woman can do it when taking a bath. There are some ways to do it.
  • Prepare warm water and cool water in the container. Prepare the coconut oil or baby oil, towel, and cotton.
  • Wash your breast with water. You can do the massaging with your hands. Use the oil while massaging the breast. The massaging can be done by massaging the breast in the clock wise and then reverse.
  • Massaging the breast from the bottom toward the nipple. The nipples are unnecessary to be massaged.
  • After massaging the breast, you may tap the breast with your fingers. It will strengthen the blood circulation.
  • Wash the nipples with oil and cotton. The oil will make the nipples become flexed and the oil can be used to keep the nipple moisture to prevent some injured during the lactation.
  • Wash the breast and nipples with warm water and cool water to smooth the blood circulation. In the last, use the towel to dry up the breast.
2.    Doing the exercise regularly

The breast treatment can be done by doing some exercise regularly. It can strengthen the pectoralis muscle. It will give stimulus for the breast to produce a lot of milk.
It can be done before and after take a bath.
  • Start with the standup position. The right hand holds the left bottom arm near the elbow. And then the left hand holds the holds the right bottom arm near the elbow. Press your hand strongly toward the breast by strengthen your handle until you feel some pulls in the bottom glands of the breast. You may release after several seconds. Do some repetitions in 30 times.
  • The exercise can be preceded by holding the shoulder with your hands, then rotate forward your elbow in order to help the inner arm massage the breast upward. Continuing the hands movement to the upward and backward and then back to the original position. Do this exercise for 20 times
3.    Using a suitable bra

Don’t use the tight and loose bra. You should use a bra which is suitable for your breast size. It can sustain the breast growth during the pregnancy. If the bra is too tight, it will obstruct the development of the breast glands. If the bra is too loose, it will seem to fall.

If your breast has a big size during the pregnancy, it will be better if you use the bra with a wire sustainer. If you use the bra which cannot sustain your breast properly , it will make your breast down and make some folds in the bottom of the breast. It will create some problems caused by the fungi. The fungi will grow in this area. If you have some problems caused by the fungi you may consult to the doctor because it is very dangerous problem in the lactation.

The pregnant woman will have a lot of sweat, therefore you should use the bra made of cotton which is comfortable to be used. You should choose the bra has a wide strap which can sustain the breast properly.
  • After the give birth the woman breast weight will be 1,5 times bigger than before.
  • The breast treatment can be done simply, and it can be done at home
  • Choosing a suitable bra can be one of the ways to care the woman`s breast.

The Gymnastics Movement of Pregnant Women Age 6-8 Months at Home

The gymnastics movement of pregnant women
The gymnastics movement of pregnant women age 8 months of pregnancy, it is done to fill the activity at home. At this age of pregnancy, usually they will spend the time more at home. If do not activity, it will makes bored feeling even depression to the pregnant women. This certainly is not good for the health of fetus and the mother to be.

For spend the free time, there is nothing wrong you doing a simple the pregnant gymnastics in home. Besides to avoiding depression, the pregnant gymnastics will coached the hip muscles and the muscles around the vagina, as preparations when give birth. Some simple the gymnastics movement of pregnant women, you can do are as the following:

Hands and back up train
  • This gymnastics movement begins by lifting the arms straight above the head, palms of hand facing each other. And hold for 20 seconds.
  • After 20 seconds, stretched both arms as wide as possible.
  • Repeat 5 times
  • The gymnastics movement starts by lying on the back with the knees bend.
  • Take a breath through nose and tight muscle on stomach and buttocks (as would bear down)
  • Hold for 5 seconds and push the breath, by relax.
  • Do this gymnastics movement of pregnant women as often as possible, when the age 8 months of pregnancy
Kissing the floor
  • This Pregnant Gymnastics Movement is done for improve the position of baby in order to the head’s baby facing the hip on upside down baby. And can be done when age 6 of pregnancy.
  • This method is usually precise for age 6 months of pregnancy.
  • Starting the movement by squatted, and then bent down slowly till almost kissing the floor. Hold for 10 seconds.
  • After you can kissing the floor, back to the position before.
  • Do this movement as often as possible, till the baby position is right.

Third the gymnastics movement of pregnant women when old pregnancy as above, it can makes your mind be relax again and are ready facing give birth normally. But, if cause a condition the doctor suggests you to stay break (bed-rest), cause of bleeding, amniotic leaking or other condition causes risk of pregnancy, so the simplest pregnant gymnastics, should has not do.

  • The gymnastics movement of pregnant women age 8 months is not movement too waste the energy.
  • The movement hands and back up train, hip, kissing the floor can be done when age 6–8 months.

5 Causes of Bruising in The Skin

Bruising in The Skin
Easy bruising skin is marked by the appearance of bruise in the skin suddenly, whereas you have never pained by any blunt object. This bruise is bluish colored and are often not accompanied painfully. The cause of bruising can indeed be caused from the body inside, and it is strange for some people. Some causes of bruising of the body are:

1.    Increasing age

Increasing age causes the protective lining is lose which is shaped of fat and the production of structural protein in the body are decrease. This causes the skin thinning and makes bruising easier.

2.    Exposure of sunlight 

Exposure of sunlight makes the skin becomes thinner so it is bruising easier. Indeed the layer of collagen on the skin is going to thin with the increasing age of a person, but by exposure of sunlight causes the process of skin tissue thinning will be faster

3.    Taking aspiri 

Taking aspirin every day can also trigger bruising suddenly. This is based on the statement of an assistant professor of dermatology at The Mount Sinai Hospital, where aspirin will widen dilate blood vessels and eliminating the corpuscle or platelets that triggers the blood is difficult to freeze. The platelets count are reduced, will cause the skin is more bruise easily.

4.    Less vitamin C

Less vitamin C, because you need to know, Vitamin C is an essential element for the process of wound healing and the formation of layer of collagen in human skin. Intake less of vitamin C will trigger the blood vessels is more open, so makes it easy to rupture and causes bruise. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency someone are excessive fatigue, frequent bleeding gums, depression, swelling joint, frequent nosebleeds, dry skin and hair.

5.    Vasculitis

Vasculitis is a collection of clinical symptom and pathological which is signed by inflammation process or inflamation on the blood vessels. This vascular disorder is marked by red bruise (purpupa), which to be a sign of rupture of blood vessel.

  • Bruises on the skin can be caused from the body itself and occurs suddenly without collision,
  • The Causes of Bruising from in the skin is caused age, exposure of sunlight, taking aspirin, less vitamin C, vasculitis. 
Present by Family Health Clinic

Natural cough medicines for six months old baby

Natural cough medicines for six months old baby
Sometimes many parents become so confused to get a safe cough medicine for the six months old baby. A very young baby will very sensitive to be threatened by many kinds of disease especially the cough disease. It happen because the baby`s immunity is not strong enough to prevent the disease therefore the disease can spread rapidly. Even it can cause a dangerous condition for the baby.

The baby who is threatened by the disease should be treated as soon as possible. It will be better if we give the first aid using some traditional treatment. If the baby doesn’t have a good progress we must call the doctor soon.

Traditional cough medicines for six months old baby

The chemical medicines can cure the disease rapidly and it will more simple way because we don’t need to make some herb to cure the disease. But the chemical medicines will create side effects for a very young baby. It will make the viruses become more resistant toward a higher level of the medical treatment. While we use the traditional medicines it will take more times to cure the disease but will not have side effects for the baby. Using the traditional medicines will improve the baby`s immunity therefore the baby will be more resistant toward the diseases.

These are the following example of the traditional herbs for six months old baby

A traditional herb which is made by lemon and honey mixture
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon water
  • 4 tablespoons of pure honey
  • 4 tablespoons of boiled water
We can make a traditional herb made of those materials. Firstly we must mix those materials together, and then steam it for 10-15 minutes. Give a tablespoon full of this herb for 7-11 months old baby in twice or three times a day.

A turmeric herb is a traditional cough medicine for the baby

The turmeric can be used not only for the cook spice but it can be used for a cough medicine for the baby. It can be used by dabbing the turmeric powder to the mother`s breast before give suck.  We can also mix the turmeric powder and milk together. Give it twice a day.

Massage oil can be used to cure the cough disease. There are some substances can be used for the baby massaging. For example we can use the cajuput oil, peppermint, and also the rosemary. By massaging the back, chest and baby`s legs, it can be used to cure cough.

The use of traditional medicine will take more time to cure the disease but it is very safe to be used for a very young baby. It will reduce the disease recurrence possibility. It will be better for us to use the traditional medicines because it has a low risk and side effects for the baby.

This traditional cough medicine should be given for baby who is more than six months old because the baby who is less than 6 months old is still having an incomplete digestion system. As an alternative way we can put the baby in outside in the morning to get enough sunlight that is good for the baby`s growth. If the cough can`t be cured by using the traditional herb in one week we should consult to the doctor immediately.

  • We can make the traditional cough medicine by using the lemon and pure honey mixture, using the turmeric herb and also the massaging oil.
  • The traditional cough medicine should be given for baby who is more than six months old because the baby who is less than 6 months old is still having an incomplete digestion system.
  • If the cough can`t be cured by using the traditional herb in one week we should consult to the doctor immediately.

The caesarean surgery has negative effects for the woman`s health

caesarean section
Sometimes many people think that a caesarean operation is safe for the woman health. But we have to know that a caesarean surgery can be categorized as a major surgery, therefore it is only used in emergency condition.

We must be careful if we want to decide to conduct a caesarean surgery because it has a high risk. It has a great infection risk. A research which is conducted in English found that one of ten women who have conducted the caesarean surgery is getting some infection therefore she has to stay longer in the hospital to get some medical treatments.

The dangerous of the caesarean surgery for the woman

Certainly most of the doctors do not recommend the patient to conduct the caesarian surgery more than three times.  If the woman gets the 4th pregnancy, she is recommended to get a normal childbirth process. It is very dangerous to conduct the caesarean surgery more than three times because it will make some complication and it will be very dangerous for the patient`s health.

Not only getting the illness because of the infection created by the caesarean surgery but it can also reduce the time to take care of the baby because the woman need more time to get the health recovery. If the infection has spread to the woman`s uterus it can make the woman becomes very difficult to get a pregnancy.
The potential risk caused by the caesarean surgery is the abnormal placentation (occurs in 1 of 2.500 pregnancy). Another risk caused by the caesarean surgery can be explained as follows

Uterine Rupture

It happens because the scar in the woman`s uterus can be torn easily. It is very dangerous condition for the woman who is getting the pregnancy because the embryo will have a high risk of death.

Adhesions and Scarring

The infection risk may happen on the surgery scar in the seven layers of the stomach tissue.Although there are some minor infections after the caesarean surgery but it can cause some pain and uncomfortable condition. These minor infections may affect the inner stomach layer therefore it will need a long time to get the medical treatment in the hospital.

Placenta Previa

Conducting the caesarean surgery more than once will make the location of the placenta becomes too close to the cervix. Therefore if the cervix is opened it can make a miscarriage and a terrible bleeding. The terrible bleeding can cause an anemia and the patient needs more blood transfusion.

Placenta Accrete

It occurs when the placenta attaches too deep in the uterine wall. The caesarean scare will make can improve the risk of the placenta accrete. This condition can cause some uterus damage and another organ for having a bleeding.

A woman who has done four times caesarean surgery will have a great risk for having the hysterectomy, even almost five times higher. It also has a high risk of blood transfusion if the woman has conducted the six times caesarean surgery.

Tips for prevent the caesarean surgery

Basically the recommended situations to conduct the caesarean surgery are the twin pregnancy, hypertension and diabetes. But in fact in other countries, the women prefer to conduct the caesarean surgery because they feel so frightened to get the normal childbirth process.

Based on some researches there is only one of ten women who have a tokophobia (feeling so frightened to the childbirth). And nine of them only had an irrational phobia or trauma to childbirth. For those who have an anxiety to before the childbirth it is recommended to conduct a consultation with the doctor therefore the woman can be calm down.

  • Many people do not know the risk or the danger of the caesarean surgery.
  • The caesarean surgery which is done for more than three times can have a bad effect for the woman who wants to get the pregnancy.
  • The way to prevent the caesarean surgery can be done by making some consultations with the doctor.

The Various of the Digestive Health Problems

Various of the Digestive Health Problems
Swallowing a gum is intentionally or not, it can give an impact for the health. This is because the gum can not be digested by the digestion organs. It is indeed often happened and be a concern for many people and has become a myth by many people. However, if you or your baby experience this, you should not to worry because the digestive system is keep on moving and anything that goes into the mouth will comes out through the feces.

The human digestive system is not only related to the gastric and intestinal, but also involves a complex organ system where the food will be continued and be changed into the energy which is needed by the body. The human digestive system which is healthy will help prevent the entry of bacteria and reinforces immunity. And because socomplex of the digestive system, many myths develope about the digestive system, There are:

1.    The spicy food causes heartburn

Already from yore the spicy foods are considered as the cause of heartburn. However, based on the research of experts had discovered the true fact. The cause of heartburn is because infection of H. pylori bacterial infection or it is happen of certain drugs. Whereas spicy food is a trigger recurrence of heartburn but not the initial cause.

2.    The nut cause colitis

The sufferer of diverticulitis with intestinal wall pouchs and susceptible the inflammation and infection are usually prohibited to consume the food from nut and corn. But, based on recent research has found that high-fiber foods such as nut and corn can reduce the risk of this disease diverticulitis (colitis).

3.    The nut trigger gas

The food of the kinds of nut are not the main cause of flatulence. But actually the trigger is the food containing milk because the body is less able to digest lactose (sugar) in the milk. So do not be wondered if a lot of people feel bloated after drinking milk.

4.    The constipation attacks many the old

Indeed  so many the old who often suffer the constipation, but not the aging factor which is the cause. This is more because the old are usually more rare of moving, a lot of sitting, and lack of drinking water, so causing difficult to loosen the bowel.

  • The gum which is swallowed can out with other mucks through the feces,
  • The cause of heartburn are because the H. pylori bacterial infection or certain drugs,
  • The old on advantage in years are often suffer the constipation because rare of moving, a lot of sitting, and lack of drinking water

Smoking will be very dangerous for the baby and also the woman who is giving suck

dangerous of smoking for the pregnant woman
There are many people who knows about the negative effect of smoking for the human`s health especially for the pregnant woman. There are a lot of pregnant women who smoke everywhere although they have known that smoking will have a lot of dangerous effects for the baby and also their health. Even some of them become the heavy level of smoker. They can smoke more than 2 packs of cigarette in one day.

There are several women who decide to stop smoking during the pregnancy. But amount of they are starting to smoke again after give birth. Even smoking becomes a major motive to stop the lactation. They afraid to give suck because the breast milk has been contaminated by the dangerous substances of smoking and it will be dangerous for their baby.

That is true that the smoking will have a negative effect for the woman breast milk. But we have to be considered that it will be more dangerous if the baby lives around the smoker area and he doesn’t get adequate breast milk from his mother to keep his immunity system. We should consider about the dangerous effect of smoking and try to stop smoking. Let see the following explanation related to the dangerous effects of smoking.
  • Smoking will reduce the woman`s prolactin hormone. Therefore the breast milk production becomes decreasing. It will increase the risk of early weaning.
  • Smoking will influence the LDR (Let down reflect). It will makes the baby becomes very difficult to suck the breast milk.
  • The baby who inhales the smoke will have a high risk of lung inflammation, asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infection, and eyes irritations.
  • The baby becomes often to cry because of the nicotine in the woman breast milk. The baby who lives in the smoker area will inhale a lot of smoke and it will make him becomes restless and often to cry.
  • The baby who is born from the smoker woman will have a high risk to get the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Moreover the baby will be often to get the respiratory infection. In the future the baby is also having a high risk to be an active smoker.
  • The children who become the active smoker will have a few HDL blood level. Therefore they will have a high risk to get the coronary heart disease.
  • Recently there are some research found that the children who live in the smoking area will have a high risk to get the lung cancer.
Certainly knowing the negative effect of smoking above is not enough. We must do these following ways therefore we will have a good health and a good lifestyle.
  • We have to think about our health, our beloved family, and people around us. We can improve our energy optimally to educate and grow up our beloved children in a healthy environment.
  • If you unable to stop smoking, it will be better to give an adequate breast milk for your baby at least for 2 years. Because the breast milk contains a lot of substances and nutrition which are very useful for the baby`s growth. The baby who doesn’t get an adequate breast milk supply will have a high risk to get the respiratory infection. And it will be more dangerous if the baby live in the smoking area.
  • A view number of smoking will reduce the effects that you will get of it.
  • Don’t smoke with the baby in one room. Moreover when you giving suck to your children. Never smoke while giving suck to the baby. You should give a distance at least 1.5 hours between smoking and breastfeeding, because some researches explain that our body will need 1,5 hours to eliminate the nicotine inside of the body.
  • The use of nicotine patch has the similar effects of smoking. It based on the nicotine value that is found in the nicotine patch.
The parents will have a great responsibility to do the best for their baby and for their beloved family. The writer hopes that this article can provide a good knowledge, and a good information for us. Therefore what is your choice will be depended your decision.

  • Smoking will be very dangerous for the pregnant woman, and also the baby.
  • There are a lot of diseases caused by smoking effects. It will very dangerous for the baby who lives in the smoking area.
  • The body needs 1,5 hours to eliminate the nicotine in our body.

The dangerous of smoking for the family health

Smoking Dangers
We have known about the dangerous of smoking toward the human health and even it can cause a death for the human. Sometimes many people think that this problems is not dangerous or it just unimportant problem. We need to know that smoking is very dangerous for the human health because it contains a lot of dangerous substances which can cause some dangerous disease such as cancer.

In a cigarette there are 4000 addictive substances and 69 of them are carcinogenic substances which can kill everyone who smoke it. The other substances inside of the cigarette are:
  1. Acetic acid which is used to clean the floor.
  2. Hydrogen cyanide which is used as a rat poison.
  3. Methanol which can be used as a fuel.
  4. Urea is one of the substances found in the urine.
  5. Formaldehyde is a toxic liquid that can be used as a preservatives corpse.
  6. Hydrogen cyanide is a toxic substance that is used to kill the ants. It is also used to make plastic and pesticide.
  7. Arsenic is a substance that can be found in the rat poison.
  8. Carbon monoxide is a chemical substance that is from the gas emission.
Smoking can increase the risk of disease or even death. The advertisements about smoking also give some notice about the dangerous of smoking. The advertisements will appear on your television screen after 09.30 pm. In the end of the advertisement we can find a notice state that smoking is very dangerous.

Smoking will have bad effects not only for the smoker but also some people surrounding. The negative effects for the passive smoker is the cough symptoms, even it can kill the young baby who lives around the smokers. Although you try to move away from the baby, the toxic is still left on your clothes when you interact with the baby.

Now the cigarette is being sold freely, therefore many children under the age can get it easily. Smoking is very dangerous for the young children because it can break the brain system and stop the brain development.

Smoker only get a momentary pleasure. Smoking can kill you bit by bit. The negative effect of smoking that can be seen clearly is that the smoker face looked older.

In this article we will share about some tips to stop smoking. The important thing which should be remembered is that you must think about your family. The smoking will have negative effects for your family, because they also get the toxic smoke from the smoker. Don’t let your beloved families and your beloved children die because of the effect of smoking. Imagine that many people need a lot of trees which is processed to be cigarettes and the cigarette boxes. The environmental pollutions are not only because of the smoking but also the processes of cigarette production itself.

  • The dangerous of smoking will affect the human health and increase the mortality rate in the world.
  • The smoker can spread the smoking toxic when he interacts with his baby because there are some toxic that left behind the clothes.
  • The environmental pollutions are not only because of the smoking but also the processes of cigarette production itself.

Nutrition and vitamin to fill up the pregnant woman need

vitamin for the pregnant woman
During the pregnancy the woman will need more nutrition and vitamin to support the fetus growth. The normal pregnancy is about 9 months. During these periods the woman should be aware to manage her life style to be healthier. We must consume some foots which contains a lot of nutrition and vitamin to make the fetus becomes healthy. These are the following example of the nutrition which must be fulfilled by the pregnant women.
  • Carbohydrateand fat are the substances which can produce calorie. It can be found in several foods like Cereals and tubers.
  • Protein is a substance that is very important for the body as a builder substance. Protein can be found on meat, fish, egg, and beans.
  • Mineral has a function as a regulator for our body. Mineral can be found in some fruits, and vegetables.
  • Folic acid is a useful substance for the development of the nervous system and blood can be found in some vegetables which have much chlorophyll such as spinach, cauliflower and broccoli. It can also be found in several fruits such as orange, banana, carrot, and tomato. During the pregnancy the woman will need much folic acid. The woman will need 800 mcg of folic acid in every day, moreover in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If the woman doesn’t have an adequate folic acid it will obstruct the fetus brain development. Even it will make a congenital defect the brain or the central nervous system of the fetus.
  • Iron is very important for the pregnant woman to prevent the anemia. It can be found in some kinds of vegetables (spinach, cassava, kale, and the papaya leafs), meat and liver.
  • Calcium is a kind of nutrition that is important for the pregnant woman and the fetus. It has an important role for the bone formation. It can prevent the osteoporosis. If the calcium can`t be completed, the mother`s calcium will be absorbed by the fetus. It will be very dangerous for the mother. The calcium can be found in many kinds of vegetables and beans. At this time the best calcium can be found in the milk.

Vitamins for pregnant women

Vitamin A for the pregnant women has a great role to increase the immunity or the growth of the fetus. The woman is not allowed to consume it excessively because it will create some fetus growth disorder.

Vitamin C has a function to absorb the iron in the mother`s body. It is very useful for the gums and teeth health. It has a great role to protect the organ body system from the damage and it will support the brain by giving the chemical sign. It happens because the vitamin c contains a lot of antioxidant that is very useful for both mother and fetus.

Vitamin D has a great role to absorb the calcium nutrition therefor it will very useful for the bone formation. Vitamin D can be found on milk, egg, and fish liver.

Vitamin B complex has a great role to control the muscular nervous system and heart. Therefore they can work optimally. The vitamin b complex can be found in the cereals , seeds, grains, beans, vegetables, yeast, egg, and milk product.

The need of nutrition and vitamin for the pregnant woman is very important. It can be used to make both the pregnant woman and fetus become healthy. By consuming adequate vitamin and nutrition it will encourage the growth of the fetus brain and nervous composition optimally.

  • A pregnant woman must consume the adequate nutrition and vitamin therefore the fetus can grow optimally.
  • It will be better to get the nutrition and vitamin from the natural resources by consuming the foods that contains a lot of nutrition and vitamin.

Baby who gets some cold and diarrhea is not necessary to take some medicines

baby cold and diarrhea
Many parents often to be worried when the baby gets some colds and diarrhea, they want to get the medical treatment quickly. Sometimes the doctor just gives some antibiotic prescription.  Even if the doctor does not give the prescription, the parents will ask the prescription to the doctor. Whereas giving the antibiotic can be more excessive action for a certain disease.

It is supported by Purnawati Pujiarto, a pediatrician and also the activist of parents care foundation who says “If the baby gets the colds and diarrhea, we need to identify the cause of the disease whether it caused by some infections or other factors.” “If there is an infection, we need to identify the cause of the infection itself whether it caused by the viruses or the bacteria.”

It is unnecessary to give some antibiotic if the disease is caused by viruses because the function of the antibiotic is to kill the viruses but it used to kill the bacteriaso that good bacteria in the body is also killed. This condition will cause resistance, and it will reduce the immunity system of the baby.

It is unnecessary to give antibiotic to cure the cold and diarrhea disease. The cold here means the common cold indicated by heavy runny nose, headache and some cough. While the diarrhea here means an acute diarrhea without any bleeding. Drugs are commonly given by doctors to give a sense of comfortable.

The colds and diarrhea are commonly happen to the baby. It is normal when the baby under 2 years old often to get these kinds of disease. Even it will happen for the teenagers. These kinds of disease will have a positive side to improve the baby`s immunity system. When the baby getting the diarrhea give him much water. It can be used to prevent the dehydration and a lot of nutritious foods. When the baby getting the cold, make sure that he has an enough bed rest. Do not allow him to do a lot of activities.

The parents should not be worried about the baby`s health if the baby like to play in the grown or play in the rain because this activity will make the immunity system becomes improving.

  • Baby who has a normal cold and diarrhea is unnecessary to consume antibiotics.
  • The disease will strengthen the body immunity system therefore the baby becomes resistant toward the disease.

Cough and cold medicines which are safe to be used for the breastfeeding women

breastfeeding women tips
The breastfeeding women must be healthy to prevent many kinds of the diseases included the coach and cold disease. The influenza viruses will attack someone who has a weak immunity system.

The indications of those kinds of disease can be sneezing, nasal congestions, sore throat, fever, and cough. If it makes a very bad condition we have to take some medicines to cure from the disease.

For the breast feeding women, it is very important to choose an appropriate medicine to cure those kinds of disease. If we don’t have a great consideration to choose an appropriate medicine, it will make some negative effect for the baby. And we need to know that those kinds of disease can spread to the baby easily.

Therefore the breastfeeding woman should takes natural cures such as:
  1. Consuming the fresh water
  2. Consuming a food that contains a lot of vitamin c
  3. Eating the raw garlic or we can cook it first. We can also take a certain supplement which contains more garlic.

Natural herbs cough for the breastfeeding woman

We can take some natural herbs such as a mixture of tea, ginger and honey to cure the cough and cold diseases. The ginger will be effectively to cure the respiratory problems, and cough for a pregnant woman. While the honey can be used to cure the sore throat and also cough. Therefore those kinds of natural herbs can be used as an alternative way for the breastfeeding woman and also the baby. Even besides curing the cough and cold diseases the ginger can be used to launch the breast milk.

The way to make the natural herbs for the pregnant woman is simple. Firstly we have to cut the ginger in to small pieces (2 to 3 inches), after that prepare some honey and lemon. Secondly boil the water and slice the ginger thinly. After that we can put the ginger pieces in the boiling water and wait for 20 until 30 minutes. The next steps are straining the boiled ginger water, and pour into a cup. And the last we can mix this herbs with the lemon juice and honey sufficiently.

  • The breastfeeding woman who gets the cough and cold diseases can be cured by using the natural herbs because it doesn’t have side effects for the baby.
  • A bad condition caused by the cough and cold diseases can be cured by consuming fresh water, vitamin c, and garlic.
  • The natural herbs that contains of tea, ginger and honey mixture can be used by the breastfeeding woman to cure the cough and cold diseases.
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A healthy drink for the pregnant woman

pregnancy health
Almost all the women have known if the pregnant woman will need a lot of body fluids because it is very important for the fetus. The fetus will need a lot of nutrition to get an optimal growth. Although we need more body fluids it doesn’t mean that every beverage can be consumed by the pregnant woman.

A good beverage that can be consumed by the pregnant woman is the beverage which has an adequate nutrition. There are some beverages which can be used to fill up the need of the body fluids.

Fresh water, it can be useful to vessel the blood circulation in our body. The pregnant women are recommended to consume the fresh water approximately about 2 liters per day or it is about 8 glass of water every day. The purpose is to prevent the dehydration.

Some milk products will be very good for the pregnant woman because it will produce the vitamin D and calcium which are very useful to maximize the fetus growth during the pregnancy. The pregnant woman will need more calcium during the pregnancy, therefore she is recommended to consume 2 glass of milk per day. A lot of milk products are available in the market. They have an adequate nutrition composition that is very important for the pregnant woman.

A glass of fruit juice can fill up the need of the vitamin for the pregnant woman. The pomegranate juice can be very good for the pregnant woman because it contains a lot of folic acid that is useful to prevent the fetus defect. Consuming the pomegranate juice will prevent the anemia, because the folic acid will build up the hemoglobin.

Kinds of beverages which are not allowed for the pregnant woman

There are some kinds of beverages which are not allowed to be consumed by the pregnant woman such as coffee, soft drink, etc.

Coffee is not good for the pregnant woman because it contains much caffeine which can increase the blood pressure and the heart rate. The caffeine can cause some irritation in the stomach and it can make the pregnant woman to be often to get urination. Therefore the vitamin c and vitamin b in the woman`s body are wasted through the urine.

The pregnant woman should avoid the soft drink contains a lot of soda, chemical substances and caffeine. The calorie that is from the soft drink can make the woman becomes feel full quickly therefore it can decrease the woman`s appetite. Finally the woman will have inadequate nutrition.

The alcoholic beverage is not allowed for the pregnant woman. It can make the fetus becomes defected. It doesn’t contain useful substances and nutrition for the pregnant woman and fetus. Even it is very dangerous to be consumed.

Beside three kinds of beverage above, there are also some beverage that should be avoided by the pregnant woman such as tea, instant beverage, and supplements. By avoiding some beverages which have a bad effect ,we will get a healthy life style and it will be very safe for the baby.

  • The most recommended beverages for the pregnant woman are fresh water, milk products for the pregnant woman, and the pomegranate juice.
  • The pregnant woman must avoid consume the coffee, soft drink, and alcoholic beverage.
  • The pregnant woman should consume some healthy food and beverage to keep her condition to be healthier and it will help to improve the fetus growth optimally.
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