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The Dangers of Ice Bucket Challenge for Health

effect of Ice Bucket Challenge fo Health
Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC) is a movement of flush the body with the ice water, which is currently being a trend in the virtual world as an initiative form of fund-raising. This activity is much done the world society, start from celebrities, the public figures, until the ordinary people who done  just for fun.

Actually  the Ice Bucket Challenge is a movement with the goal to fund-raising for ALS disease research or known as Lou Gehrig's's Disease. Activity flushing the ice water will be recorded, and later, the video will be uploaded on the Internet, accompanied with the donations between US$ 10-US$ 100.

For those of you who want to do the Ice Bucket Challenge should be more careful, because some cases had showed the health hazards of that activity. One case which was recently circulated is an American teenager named Sergio Cardozo who reported died on the spot, after doing Ice Bucket Challenge with his two friends.

Sergio Cardozo with his two friends did Ice Bucket Challenge using a dustbin contained the cold water and ice. After the water poured over the head of Sergio, the dustbin were used, was dropped. And despite he had using a protective helmet for the head, Sergio died because experienced an injury on the neck that struck down the dustbin.

Activity that is becoming the trend is, actually it has a lot of risk on a small scale, Ice Bucket Challenge can cause the eye injury which is caused because there are friction the small chunks of ice on the cornea. The performers are also have a risk of hypothermia because the pressure of ice water suddenly and in large numbers, especially on the head side.

The Hazard of Ice Bucket Challenge for Heart

Flushing of the water ice on the head and body directly and suddenly can cause the shock, the heart beat decreased and trigger the rhythm of heart work is interrupted.

Dr. Daniel Jurewitz, a cardiologist from Santa Barbara said that in the certain people the Ice Bucket Challenge activities can trigger the problems in the heart and cardiovascular health, which can cause the heart attack even death. Pouring the ice water on the head causes the reflex of the airways to close the larynx, so that the heart beat becomes slow, even cause a person stops breathing.

For those of you who want to do Ice Bucket Challenge with a sincere purpose to fund-raising should prepare with the mature calculation. This is to avoid the unwanted accidents. The Ice Bucket Challenge performers should also doing a health examination beforehand and when the action is done, make sure the safety equipment has been used and the emergency unit has been prepared.

  • Ice Bucket Challenge is a movement of the body flush with the ice water, which aims to fund-raising for ALS research,
  • Sergio Cardozo died causes fallen the ice container when doing the Ice Bucket Challenge,
  • Ice Bucket Challenge dangers is a work accident, endanger the eyes and heart.


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