Certainly the pregnant woman`s health need to be controlled started from the first semester until the last semester. She will have some weaknesses, laziness, fatigue, and becomes unfit therefore she has to delimitate her daily activity. But, we should be worried about that because in this article we will discuss about those problems.
There are some foods which can be used to eliminate the fatigue for the pregnant woman:
There are some foods which can be used to eliminate the fatigue for the pregnant woman:
- The marine fish has a different nutrition with the fresh water fish because it has a higher salt concentration. The marine fish has higher omega 3 and antioxidant. But the pregnant woman should have a great consideration to choose a kind of fish that a lower mercury (the woman is recommended to consume, salmon, sardine, and tuna).
- Yoghurt has a high calcium, protein, vitamin d and fiber which are very useful to complete the nutrition for the pregnant woman. The vitamin of the yoghurt can be used to prevent the preeclampsia, while the fiber of yoghurt is useful to reduce the risk of digestive disruption. Yoghurt can eliminate the fatigue in the first trimester of pregnancy and before the childbirth process. A kind of yoghurt which is safe to be consumed by the pregnant woman is a kind of yoghurt which is only added by sugar or honey.
- Banana is useful for the pregnant woman because it can eliminate the fatigue because it contains a lot of iron which can be used to prevent the anemia. To avoid the boredom you can consume the banana in various menus.
- Spinach contains a high float acid and it is very useful for the fetus`s growth. It also contain some irons which help the pregnant woman to prevent the fatigue, weaknesses, and unfit condition during the pregnancy.
- Orange has a high vitamin c therefore it can increase the woman`s immunity system. Orange is also contain some floats that have a great function to maximize the growth of fetus organs.
- Radish will be useful for the pregnant woman to overcome the calcium shortage which can cause some health disruption included the fatigue which happen during pregnancy.
- Pomegranate can increase the blood circulation to prevent the fatigue and to balance the body`s metabolism.
- The pregnant woman often to get some fatigue, weaknesses, and unfit condition,
- Some healthy foods for the pregnant woman to prevent the fatigue are the marine fish, yoghurt, banana, spinach, orange, radish, and pomegranate.
- To maintain her fitness, pregnant woman has to do a some activities such as doing some pregnancy exercise, or walking around in the morning and in the evening.