The often bedwetting children make certainly the parents overwhelmed. Even some children with a large age, even 5th grade are still found frequently bedwetting. This is not only inconvenient, but also will disturb the child's psychological, that is become less self-confidence or insecure.
There are some ways that you can do to overcome the often bedwetting children, especially those who have started school are as the following:
There are some ways that you can do to overcome the often bedwetting children, especially those who have started school are as the following:
- Communication, by the way when using a pajamas and new diaper in children after bedwetting, talk to the child to discuss about his bedwetting habit. In order not to impress give order, you can pack through a fairytale, funny experience, and so on. With a good delivery, then the baby is easier to understand the desires and expectations of the parents.
- Do not drink excessively before sleep. For children who are accustomed to drinking milk should begin to be reduced. The time of last drink before going to bed at least 1 hour, and make a habit to urinate before sleep.
- Set an alarm, when the urinate time, invite him to the toilet. At first, it will disturb the child's sleep hours, but when they are accustomed, it will be easier.
- Promise to give a prize, if the child successed to not bedwetting in some time. The gift is given also do not need expensive, it can be a bowl of ice cream after lunch, or more time to watch television after school.
- The children bedwetting habits can continue until when in school, and so they should be treated as early as possible,
- The best advice is by establish a good communication to the child and insert advice on story,
- The bedwetting habits can also be caused by the health problems such as diabetes and the urinary tract disorders.