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The activity of the fetus in the woman`s womb

activity of the fetus
The activity of the fetus in the woman`s womb can`t be seen exactly, the woman only be able to feel the movement of the fetus. We can only predict the condition and the position of the fetus in the woman`s womb. The fetus is a small creature which has a unique, and amazing personality in the woman`s womb.

By the use of medical technology development, the fetus movement can be identified by using USG in 2D, 3D or even 4D. So actually the activity of the fetus can be seen based on the following explanations:

When the fetus starts to be able to suck and savor the flavor?

The fetus in the age of 16 weeks starts exploring by using his ability to suck the amniotic fluid. In this age the fetus start having a good sense development for his intelligent.

Is the fetus can be able to listen?

In the 24 weeks of pregnancy the fetus can be able to listen the mother`s body activity to be a beautiful sound and rhythm. The fetus can be able to listen the hearth beat, some noisy from the intestine, and many kinds of sounds of the amniotic fluids. In this age, the fetus can be able to can be given some positive stimulus through the sounds from the outside by managing a good utterance, avoiding some conflict and some louder sound between you and your husband. Therefore the fetus doesn’t have some stressing.

When does the fetus see the light?

In the age of 4 months the fetus stats to be sensitive with the light , moreover in the darkness. The fetus can be able to differentiate the light from the outside. It can be proved by giving the beam of light to the mothers maternal and the fetus eyes will have some movement when the light is directing to his face (using USG), or he make some movement to avoid the light.

When does the fetus stat to use their sense of touch?

In the age of 4-5 months the fetus can be able to sense the sensation of the body surface and his skin. Therefore when we touch the mother`s stomach the fetus can be able to sense this stimulus.

Does the fetus get some stress?

If the mother having some mental stress and psychological pressure, it will affect the fetus. It can be seen when the fetus make some movement in the woman`s womb, it can make some cramps which is often to be called as the contraction of the woman`s uterus. Even if the mother having stress, it will increase the risk of premature birth.

good activity for the fetus`s growth:
  • Keep calm to receive the change of body during the pregnancy.
    Maintain your health and keep your fitness by doing some activities which are not too hard to be done and consuming an adequate nutrition.
  • Manage your mood during the pregnancy.
  • Maintain your relationship to be harmonious between the husband and the wife and avoid some family conflict.
  • Give some smooth music stimulus in the woman`s maternal wall, moreover by praying and keep talking with the fetus and gently rubbed into the abdomen of pregnant women.
  • The activity of the fetus can be seen through USG 4 D and it can be used to see the movement of the fetus.
  • Fetus start to suck some sense in the age of 16 weeks and listen for several sounds in the age of 24 weeks
  • The fetus can be able to differentiate the light and he can be able to use his sense of touch in the age of 4 months.


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