Threatening of Diabetes in Children more Dangerous

Diabetes in Children Dangerous
Today many people and maybe you think that diabetes disease that only suffered adults or even older. Whereas, based on the fact threatening of diabetes in children is increasingly. Based on the data in 2011 from the International Diabetes Federation, 366 million people worldwide were estimated suffer the diabetes. And of that number 78,000 of them were children who suffered the diabetes type 1. The data was of course only obtained from the endocrinology doctor, whereas in fact there are still many who have not been diagnosed. The phenomenon of increasing number of diabetic patients in these children would be a time bomb for the health problems in the world.

The Type of Diabetes in Children

Based on the cause of, diabetes is divided into the diabetes type 1 caused by damage of the pancreas so can not produce the insulin at all, and the diabetes type 2 caused by unhealthy lifestyle, diabetes in the pregnancy, and the other types of diabetes are caused reason the certain disorder, like it is caused the hyperthyroid disease. From that several types, which include the main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. The diabetes type 1 is the type that often attacks the children and adolescents. This disease arises because the body immunity destroys its own insulin produced by the beta cells of the pancreas. The reason could be cause the genetic factors or a virus attack.

That make quite difficulty and a problem is the symptoms and signs of diabetes type 1 appear suddenly, and quite a lot of children who do not have a history of diabetes but in fact after checking in the laboratory was diagnosed the diabetes. In the diabetes type 1 are often suffered by these children, the pancreas can not produce the insulin. And to survive the life of patient should be given the insulin from outside by the injection that can be done up to four times in a day, and of course by the cost is quite expensive. For that you as a parent should pay attention the diet, weight and the physical activity of children. If your child is suffering the early symptoms of diabetes, such as; fast hunger and thirst, often urinating, the weight never go up or down drastically, then you should immediately consult your ducky to a doctor for checking the blood sugar-content.

The Exact Handling of Diabetes in Children

Besides doing the insulin injection, the diabetes type 1 must be always pay attention the diet, controlling the blood sugar-content, regular exercise and knowledge to the child in order to understands their own condition. The main goal of the diabetes treatment in children are to keep their growth remains normal, controlling the increase of blood sugar and reducing the risk factors of complications in the children.

The insulin injection must be accompanied with an examination of the blood sugar. This is to determine the insulin dose required. The blood sugar that is too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia) are equally dangerous for the patients of diabetes type 1. Hypoglycemia can cause a diabeticum coma that threatening the life, while the acute hyperglycemic condition will cause poisoning the ketones and triggers complication.

The treatments of diabetes in children are required cooperation between the parents and the medical team. They should monitoring and helping children undergo their daily lives. You as a parent and families should be know what diabetes is, treatment, handling the nutrition, diabetic diet, and prevention of complication. Each side both family and people who are around kids should know the first handling if occured an emergency.

The Prevention of Diabetes in Children

In a recent research, the nutritionists argue that the breakfast is the most important time of eating in a day. Because with breakfast every day, will reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, or heaping the stomach fat. In addition for the prevention, you should make sure the child has enough sleeping time. So there is no wrong if you give enough breakfast routinely and pay attention your child's rest time from now on, as the diabetes prevention in children in a simple way.

With the exact treatment, the threat of diabetes in children can be minimized and the child will live healthier and grow optimally. Singer Nick Jonas, actress Halle Berry, and an Olympic swimmer Gary Hall Jr., are the examples of case that could prove that the Diabetes type 1 sufferers can live healthier and more successful.

  • Until this year, the diabetes type 1 sufferers in children continues to rise.
  • The diabetes type 1 patients need additional insulin by the injections 4 times a day.
  • The exact treatment in children suffer diabetes will keeping the optimum growth and avoided from the complication.


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