Some ways to overcome the problems of cramps for the pregnant woman

pregnant woman health
The problems of cramps can be frequently happen to the pregnant woman. However this should not be allowed, because it can cause prolonged illness. Cramps will frequently happen during the third trimester of pregnancy, it is caused by the increasing of the pregnant woman`s health.It can create a fluids accumulation in the woman`s body, especially the foots and abdomen.

The dangerous of cramps for the pregnant woman

Cramps can be caused by the insufficiency of the veins. Especially for the pregnant woman, cramps can be caused by the hormonal change and the increasing uterine pressure in the blood vessel especially in the woman`s foot and abdomen. This constant pressure will obstruct the blood circulation system which strives to the heart and it can cause some varicose veins and if we don’t have a great consideration about it, it will break the veins (Accumulation) and it can cause blood clots.

The cramps can also happen because the foot is too heavy to prop up the woman`s body which is overweight. Another factor that can cause a foots cramp is the shortage of mineral supply during the pregnancy such as the potassium, magnesium and calcium

The way to overcome the problems of cramp for the pregnant woman

Amount of the way to overcome the problems of cramp for the pregnant woman is by consuming a lot of fresh water. Therefore it can prevent the dehydration and the blood circulation is becomes flow smoothly. The pregnant woman must consume some foods which contain calcium such as the milk, yoghurt, cheese and green vegetables. Consuming one banana each day can complete the need of potassium to prevent the cramps. If you have a foot cramp, you can cure it by straighten or press your food end.

The pregnant woman is recommended to do some daily activities to maintain foots and abdominal muscle therefore the blood stream from foots to the heart can flow smoothly. A good position for the pregnant woman is by left or right side away position or putting the woman`s foots in a higher position toward the body.

  • Pregnant women will often have some problems of cramp in her foots and stomach, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy,
  • The problems of Cramp during the Pregnancy due to hormonal changes, and the pressure of the uterus that clog veins,
  • To overcome the problems of cramp the woman should consume a lot of fresh water, healthy foods, and having a good posture.


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