The ideal age for the woman to get the pregnancy and childbirth

ideal age for childbirth
Certainly the woman will have the most ideal age to get the pregnancy and childbirth. It related to the physical condition and the maturity of the female reproductive organs, therefore we will get the best descent. The government implements the program which regulates the people to get married in the age of 21 (for the woman), and in the age of 25 (For the men).

The pregnancy under the age of twenty

The pregnancy which happens under the age of twenty will have some high risk for the human health because the woman reproductive organ is not ready yet to get the pregnancy and it will be very dangerous. The condition of the ovum is not ready yet during the adolescent therefore it can obstruct the embryo`s growth. It will have a high risk to get the hypertension, premature birth. The baby will have a lower weight and the woman often to get the over depression after childbirth. The most dangerous effect is that it can cause a death for the woman because the woman gets a heavy bleeding and infection. Therefore we need more treatment for the woman who gets the pregnancy less than twenty years old.

The pregnancy in the age of 21-35

During these ages the woman will have the lowest risk to get some pregnant disruptions, it`s about 15%. During these ages the woman will have reproductive maturity, emotional and social aspects therefore it becomes the ideal age for the woman to get the pregnancy. There is a research finds that the peak of the woman`s fertile Is in the age of 24, and then starts to decrease. If you want to get the pregnancy quickly, you can get married in this period.

Getting the pregnancy in more than 35 years old

There are some problems may occur for the woman who gets the pregnancy in more than 35 years old such as the gestational diabetes (a kind of diabetes occurs during the pregnancy). The woman can have a high risk to get the hypertension and bladder disruption. In the end of 30th the woman can have a risk of fibroid uterine (the growth of muscle or tissue in the woman`s uterus that can cause some tumor, some pains or heavy bleeding in the woman`s reproductive organ. We have to pay more attention for the woman who gets the pregnancy in more than 35 years old, and it will better to do the medical check up frequently.

From the age classification above we can make a good planning to get the pregnancy and to avoid the some problems above. If you get the pregnancy which is not in the ideal age, you should consult to the doctor frequently to get a good treatment for your pregnancy.

  • Getting the pregnancy under the age of 20 is risky because the woman`s reproductive organs and the woman`s mental are not ready yet.
  • The ideal ages for the woman to get the pregnancy are between the ages of 21-35
  • The woman who gets the pregnancy in more than 35 years old will have a high risk to get the hypertension, fibroid uterine, bladder disruptions, and even tumor.


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