Three Phases of Menstrual Cycle in Women

Menstrual Cycle Phases
The normal menstrual cycle will happens every month, with a cycle of 25-35 days. Each menstruation only one egg is released. First menstruation usually occurs at age of 11-16 years, but some women had also experienced menstruation at the age of 8 years. This is caused the nutritious intake in the body is well developed and caused by the technology factors that gives information about sexual knowledge through many media.

When a woman experiences first menstruation, then she was ready to get pregnant. You should know that every menstrual cycle only one egg is released. And for female adolescent who experience first time menstruation, usually they experience irregular menstrual cycles, example within 1 month occurred 2 times of menstruation (2 cycles), and it is a natural thing.

There are three phases of menstrual cycle are as the following:
  1. Follicular Phase is a phase where the content of FSH (Folicle Stimulating Hormone) is slightly increase, so triggers the growth of 3-30 Ovary Follicles (the egg wall sacs) that each contained one egg.
  2. Ovulatior Phase is a phase where the content of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) is up and the mature follicles will protrude to the surface of the ovary (egg wall) to release the egg cell (ovulation). The egg cell is usually out within 16-32 hours after the increase of LH content. Ovulatior phase usually causes a woman experiences the pain problem in lower abdominal in a few minutes even up to several hours.
  3. Luteal Phase is a phase of release the egg cell from the ovary for 14 days, and ovary follicles (ovary sacs). After 14 days, the ovary sacs will be back closing  and form a corpus luteum which produces the hormone progesterone in large amounts.
After 14 days, the corpus luteum will destroy and in this phase a woman will also experience the increase of body temperature until the menstrual cycle begins, except if there is fertilization by the male sperm. If the ovary is fertilized, then the corpus luteum will produce HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) which will keep corpus luteum to produce the progesterone hormone until the fetus can produce hormones itself. The Luteal phase is usually signed as a top phase of women fertile, so it is appropriate to have sex to get pregnant quickly.

  • The normal menstrual cycle occurs every month, with a cycle of 25-35 days and the release of one egg cell,
  • The technological and nutritional factors influence the occurrence of the first menstrual cycle in women,
  • The menstrual cycle phases are divided into the Follicular, Ovulatior, Luteal phases,


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