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Tips for maintaining a regular menstrual cycle

woman`s fertility
The menstrual cycle becomes more complex because it enrolls some elements and the woman`s organ such as senses, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary axis-obarium, uterus, endometrium, and secondary sexual organs.

Menstruation begins in the puberty phase (10-15 years old), and the first menstruation (menarche) is often called as the main case for the woman`s life. This phase is affected by the psychological factor, even the sensual videos or images can encourage the woman to have an early menstruation, and even it can happen to the woman who is less than 10 years old.

Menarche can also be used as a sign which indicate the woman has reached the fertile period and ready to have the pregnancy. The characteristic of the menstrual blood can be described as follows: having a dark reddish color, becomes aqueous because of the fibrinolysis process. It happens for 3-5 days or 7-14 days and often followed by some pains.

There are some techniques which can be used to maintain a regular menstrual cycle, let see this following explanation:
  1. Take some notes on your menstrual cycle calendar (the beginning of the menstruation and the last menstruation) which can be used as a guidance for the next cycle.
  2. Maintain cleanliness during the menstrual cycle, because the uterine wall and vagina during menstruation are more susceptible to be infected by a virus.
  3. If there are some pains on the woman`s waist, it is caused by the vaginal muscle stretching. To reduce those pains you can consume some drugs which has an appropriate doses and you can consume some traditional medicines.
  4. Choose a smooth bandage which is safe, comfortable to be used to avoid some irritations.
  5. Change your bandage and your panties every 4 hours, after taking a bath, or defecating particularly at the beginning of menstruation because the woman will have a high menstrual bleeding.
  6. You can use a clean water to clean your genitals. It will be better if you use a warm water and some soaps which has a high Ph to prevent some allergy, and infection which may happens to the woman`s genitals. 
By considering a good menstrual cycle, we can maintain a regular menstrual cycle and avoid some infections which can be caused by the virus and reproductive organ diseases. The woman`s emotional condition can affect the menstrual cycle of the woman, therefore you should be able to control your stressing.

  • The menstrual cycle enrolls the five sense and the woman`s reproductive organ,
  • The psychological factor as a result of the global information can encourage the woman to have a menstruation which happens more early.
  • Maintaining the menstrual cycle can be done by maintaining the reproduction organ to be more healthy and you should control your stress.


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