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The irregular menstrual cycle can be caused by the ovary cancer symptom

irregular menstrual cycle
The irregular menstrual cycle which happens to the woman can be caused by some factors such as the fatigue, stress, or there is a hormonal deviation. If this problem happens in a long period, the woman should have a great awareness about this problems this problem can be caused by the ovarian cancer.

A research conducted by a Public Health Institute in Berkeley, California found that the woman who has an irregular menstrual cycle will have a higher risk to get the ovarian cancer rather than the woman who has a regular menstrual cycle. For those who have an irregular menstrual cycle or a polycystic ovarian syndrome should have an ovarian cancer screening.

90% of the women who have an ovarian cancer will have a high risk to die, therefore there are some researcher try to conduct some research to find the solution to solve the problem. The mechanism of conducting a research to investigate the ovarian cancer is very simple. It can be done by monitoring the woman to consume a contraception drugs. For those who have an irregular menstrual cycle, consuming contraception drugs can be used to reduce the risk of having an ovarian cancer.

Recently there is a research which involves more than 14.000 women to join the Kaiser Permanente Health Plan in Alameda, California in 1959 and 1967 and then all of them are being monitored for 50 years later. Amount of them have a children and none of them who consume the fertility drugs.

The irregular menstrual cycle have some definition, the first is where the menstrual cycle is longer than 35 days. The second is if the menstrual cycle can`t be predicted in every month. The third is when the woman doesn’t have an ovulation. Amount of the woman who is in the age of 26 years and more than 26 years may have an irregular menstrual cycle. The polycystic ovarian syndrome is the main cause of the irregular menstrual cycle. And it is mostly caused by the hormonal change.

  • The irregular menstrual cycle can be caused by the fatigue, stress, and hormonal deviation
  • The ovarian cancer symptom in the first phase can be marked by having the irregular menstrual cycle.
  • The ovarian cancer in Jakarta has a higher rating, that is in the third position of the rank after the breast cancer and the cervix cancer.


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