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Pregnancy tips for the pregnant woman who is more than 35 years old

The woman who is more than 35 years old will have a great risk for having the pregnancy rather than the woman who is less than 35 years old. If you have the pregnancy in more than 30 years old, you are not alone because there are some people to decide to have the pregnancy when their age is in 30 or 40 years old.  A strong believe will have some positive sides for your pregnancy and your fetus to be healthy.

There are some risks for conducting the pregnancy when the woman`s age is more than 35 years old:
  • In the age of 30s, the woman`s ovum doesn’t have a good quality, and the woman`s menstrual cycle will be irregular. It can makes the woman to have some difficulty for getting the pregnancy.
  • Her baby have a high risk to get the chromosome deviation such as the Down syndrome.
  • The woman will have a high risk for getting the Gestational Diabetes even having a miscarriage.
  • In the age of 30s, the woman will have a great hormonal change which makes the woman released more than one ovum in every ovulation phase, therefore it will have a great possibility for having twin baby born
  • The woman will have a high risk of getting some complication in their pregnancy, therefore the woman will possibly to have a caesarean section.
Avoid some stress and try to do some healthy lifestyle can improve the woman`s pregnancy possibility especially for the woman who is more than 3o years old, and it can be used to reduce some risk that may happen. You should conduct some exercise recommended by the doctor such as Yoga, Refreshing, enjoy your time during the pregnancy. You can also do these following pregnancy tips for the woman who is more than 30 years old

Conducting a balance diet

The pregnant woman must consume some foods which contains a lot of float acid, calcium, iron, and protein. The prenatal vitamin must be consumed by the pregnant woman before and after the pregnancy.
Maintaining the ideal weight

The woman who has an obesity (the body mass index is 30 or more) especially for the woman who is more than 30 years old will have some difficulties to get the pregnancy.

Doing some test before the pregnancy

The diagnostic test such as the amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling can be used to determine the baby`s chromosome and determine whether your baby have a high risk for getting the chromosome deviation or not. But, you must be careful and you must consult to the doctor because the test can cause the miscarriage.

Avoiding the dangerous substances

The pregnant woman must avoid the alcoholic beverage, some kinds of drug, narcotics, smoking or live around the smokers,

Before the pregnancy you have to consult to the doctor first. They will help you to determine whether your body is healthy for having the pregnancy or not and answering your questions when you want to know about your pregnancy especially for the woman who is more than 30 years old.

  • The pregnant woman who is more than 35 years old will have a high risk for getting the Down syndrome, having twin baby and also having a miscarriage.
  • The pregnant woman who is more than 35 years old should have a balance diet, maintain an ideal weight, conduct a test before the pregnancy and avoid some dangerous substances.


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