Tips to Avoid a Cesarean for Pregnant Woman

Avoid of Cesareans Section
Many people especially women assume that a cesarean section can avoid the pain and difficulty in Childbirth Process. In fact, if you know that cesareans in women contains a higher risk than naturally childbirth, certainly you will think many times. That we need to emphasize is the caesarean section is included in the category of major surgery.

A research that was done during five years in France reveals that the mother mortality level through cesarean section three times more often if compared with mothers who normal gave birth. The result of those deaths are because the surgical complications such as blood clots (thrombosis), infection, and complications of anesthesia.

If you already understand how the dangers of cesarean in women and want to avoid it, the experts from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologsts (ACOG) gives nine tips for you, they are:

1. Consume the enough nutrition during pregnancy

During the healthy mother and baby, then a mother has a great opportunity to give birth naturally. For that, you should increase the consumption of carbohydrates to get the enough energy, especially during the two weeks before the approximation of Childbirth Process.

2. Do not lazing

During pregnancy, you should do not lying in bed. By staying active during pregnancy, it will facilitate the Childbirth Process, because you will be better in facing or self-control when childbirth.

3. Do not haste to the hospital

Early days of childbirth will be very long, especially for women who first give birth. Then you should stay at home at least until it reaches the third opening. The mothers will feel more comfortable, fewer stress, and lighter pain when still living in their own homes rather than haste to the hospital. This will also prevent you from interventions, like induction which can increase the chances of cesareans in women.

4. Do not accelerate the induction

Dr Michael Klein of the University of British Columbia says that 44 percent of women who are induced end in a cesarean section. The induction action many failed because the stimulus was done when the cervix is not ready. A recent research revealed that the gestational age up to 42 weeks appertain normal.

5. Keep eating and drinking

Women were allowed to keep eat and drink before the Childbirth Process time will be faster to childbirth  the babies with high Apgar scores, experiencing metabolic problems and blood sugar less, even require fewer pain medication.

6. Use the natural pain reducing way

Therapy using warm water, hypnosis, massage, visualization, music is an effective way to reduce pain before childbirth. The use of drugs including epidural can increase the chances of cesarean action.

7. Use the natural stimulation

If the contractions of prospective mothers are not too strong, most physicians use a particular medicines. But you should use the natural way by walking or stimulate the nipple so it can release the naturaloxytocin in the body and is also a natural pain reducer, endorphins.

8. Accurate choosing doctors and hospitals

Look for doctors and hospitals with a low caesarean section rate. There are doctors who are always enthusiastic to support the patients to normally childbirth, but many also doctors that quickly suggests a cesarean section.

Look for information from various sources about the doctor or hospital prefers to handle the natural childbirth process. And if the doctor decide to cesareans in women, make sure how necessary that action to save the baby and the mother.

  • Caesarean is one of the major surgery with several risks, including death,
  • Healthy lifestyle and normal activities will reduce the risk of caesarean section in women,
  • Choose a doctor or hospital that can give a motivation to be able to natural Childbirth Process.


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