Specific signs for having the pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most awaited moment for every couple, especially for the new couple. They really want to get the baby as a result of their marriage. By considering some specific signs of the woman`s pregnancy, it means that you and your wife have a good fertility and you don’t have a serious problem of health.

But there are a lot of people who don’t know what the specific signs of pregnancy. There are some cases that the pregnancy signs are similar with the menstrual signs. Because of this problems, it can may cause a miscarriage.

Almost all of the couple regard that there is only one sign to be considered as a pregnancy sign that is the delay of the menstrual cycle. Their estimation is also true, but we have to consider that the delay of the menstruation cycle is not only caused by the pregnancy. But it can caused by some factors, such as the influence of the diet, stress, fatigue, and it can be caused by the hormonal disruption. To anticipate some errors in identifying the pregnancy there are 9 specific pregnancy signs that must be considered

1.    There are some changes on the woman`s breast

If the woman gets the pregnancy, her breast will be bigger. It can be caused by the improvement of the estrogen and progesterone hormone production. The condition of the woman`s breast will be more smooth, so that it becomes more sensitive to be hold. The nipples become bigger, have a dark color and tingle. The veins on the woman`s breast can be seen clearly.

2.    Having some blood spots and followed by the maternal cramps

The blood spot is the specific sign that can be found before the menstruation, it usually happens between 8-10 days after the ovulation. This spot can`t be considered as a menstrual indication, because it happens because of the implantation bleeding or the process of the embryo implantation in the woman`s uterus. The maternal cramps will happen frequently until the second trimester of pregnancy, or it happens until the uterus is in the middle position which is propped by the woman`s pelvis.

3.    Having a morning sickness

50% of the pregnant woman will have the morning sickness until the second trimester of pregnancy. It happens because there are some Human Chronic Gonadotropin improvement on the woman`s blood stream and on her urine. It can be used to answer why the Test Pack can be done through the woman`s urine?
If the morning sickness happens frequently until the second trimester, the woman should consult to the doctor, because it will have a negative effect for the woman`s health.

4.    Having a frequent urination

After having a menstruation tardiness for a week or two weeks, the woman will have a high hazard for having a frequent urination. It happens because the fetus on the woman`s uterus will press the woman`s bladder so that it can cause some improvement of the woman`s blood circulation and some hormonal change in the woman`s body. Although having a frequent urination, the woman shouldn’t to restrain it. The woman must consume much water to avoid the dehydration.

5.    Headaches

The headache and unstable emotion may happen frequently for the pregnant woman. It happens because of the physical factors such as fatigue, queasy, hungry, and having a lower blood pressure. The depression and stress can also encourage the woman for having unstable emotion.

6.    Having an excessive fatigue and drowsiness

It happens because of the hormonal change, the performance of the kidney, heart, and lungs are improving. Those vital organ are not only work to complete the woman`s body but also the fetus growth. The fetus growth and the woman`s maternal growth to be bigger also give an e padditional load for the pregnant woman.

7.    Having a constipation

It happens because the improvement of the progesterone hormone. This hormone will loosen the woman`s uterine muscles, therefore it will loosen the muscles of the intestine wall and create a constipation. But this condition will give some positive effect for having a good nutrition absorbance which is very useful for the pregnant woman.

8.    Hyper saliva

It is caused by the estrogen hormonal change during the first trimester, and it still happen until the second trimester.

9.    The raise of the body`s alkali temperature

When having a pregnancy or ovulation, the body`s alkali temperature is increasing during the pregnancy. This condition will reduce in the normal condition like the condition before the ovulation.

Those nine Signs of Pregnancy Specific above would be different, from one woman to another woman. And to ensure your pregnancy you have to done the pregnancy test by using test pack or by having a medical check-up.

  • Considering the pregnancy signs will be very useful for us to be more careful in doing the daily activities, therefore we can avoid some negative effect which is very dangerous for the woman`s pregnancy.
  • The pregnancy indications is caused by the hormonal change
  • The pregnancy signs will be different for every woman, and to ensure the pregnancy you should doing the pregnancy test by using test pack or conducting a medical check-up.


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