The Diseases in The Women that should be Waried

The Health Tips
You certainly know if a woman is more susceptible to a disease and has more complex health problems. Even some diseases will very endanger her life. Therefore, you should increase the awareness toward the symptoms of disease in the women. So the prevention and healing can be done faster.

In order to a disease in a woman not worsen and difficult to cured, of course you should always be wary toward the any small as symptoms. To know the threat of disease that often attacks, this following  are five health problems that usually attack the women:


Depression influences 50% more if compared to the men. These symptoms are often occur the result of hormonal changes (example, postpartum depression that developed post-pregnancy), or the lifestyle factor and emotion. Depression in women is also triggered by the stress live, ignored the parents and the existence of abuse as a child.

Liver Disease

Around the world, liver disease caused 29% of deaths in the women. Indeed, the figure is quite high especially because the signs and the disease symptoms are misdiagnosed in the female patients. The liver disease in women is usually caused by stress, obesity, diabetes, the high blood pressure, and the high cholesterol. If not overcame soon, this disease will trigger the heart and stroke attacks.

Breast Cancer

If the liver disease responsible toward 29% of deaths in women in the worldwide, breast cancer is known responsible toward 1% of deaths of women. The breast cancer is caused by the lifestyle factor. Especially in a woman who delay to marriage, postpone having a child, even do not want to have a child, overweight and stress. A recent study shows the treatment for this disease gets better, but the number of women who attacked the breast cancer are also increased.


Basically, Osteoporosis threatens the health of men and women, but this time is known more threatening the health of women. This disease will influences the strength and flexibility of bone, so that it can causing the fracture and broken bone. The Osteoporosis symptoms are caused by the age factor, race, lack of consumption of foods contain calcium or vitamin D, consuming alcohol and excessive smoking.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

The disease in these women influencing 10 percent the reproductive age of women, and will affected toward the formation of small cyst in the ovary during the ovulation. This cyst will disturb the genital women and causing pain, infection, damage the uterus, and female fertility. Women with PCOS are also susceptible toward the increase of weight, abnormal menstruation, acne, and the excessive hair growth.

  • The disease that attack women are more much and more dangerous than the common disease in men,
  • Some diseases will influence toward the reproductive health of women,
  • Keeping the healthy lifestyle complemented with the nutritious food is an effort to keep the health.

The Dangers of Cigarettes for Women's Health

Smooking Dangers for Women's Health
Actually the women's health are far susceptible in comparison with men. This is caused naturally the women physical are different from men. Women experience the hormonal cycles such as menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation, while men do not. The susceptible condition about this health problems is also include the effects of cigarette affair. Women are susceptible and should get the more attention about the negative effects of smoking.

The seven Dangers of Cigarettes for Womens Health are as the following:
  1. Lung cancer, is usually dominated in men. But this time the lungs cancer also attacks women by showing trend is upward. 
  2. Oral cancer, pharynx (the back side of the palate), and esophagus are part of the organ directly concerned with the cigarette smoke before it reaches the lungs. The chronic stimulation of cigarette smoke toward the organs can trigger the formation of cancer cells. 
  3. Breast cancer in women is still being a debate the experts. However, in animals, the chemicals in cigarette has been proven can trigger the formation of breast cancer cells. 
  4. Cervix cancer (neck of the womb), by some experts also believed can be caused by toxic substances in the cigarette smoke reaches the cervix. The toxic substances in cigarette smoke can also increase the risk of HPV (human papilloma virus) infection, the kind of particular serotype which increases the risk of cancer cell formation. 
  5. Menstrual disorder, may also occurs in women who are concerned with the cigarette smoke. The disorders are such as the excessive bleeding and leucorrhoea. This happens because the toxins in cigarette influences the ovary so triggering the low of the estrogen hormone content. 
  6. The fertility problem in women will be reduced 72% when concerned with the cigarette than the women who do not smoke or avoided from the exposure of cigarette smoke. 
  7. The pregnancy disorder can occur because of exposure of the toxic substances of cigarette smoke which triggers the growth of the placenta (the organ that connects the fetus to the mother). If that occurs, it can increase the risk of premature birth and the low baby’s weight when is born. 
  • The physical condition of women are different from men so they have the health conditions are weaker, 
  • The concerned with cigarette would be more dangerous for women than men, 
  • The Dangers of Cigarettes for the women's health are Cancer: Lung, oral, breast, cervix, menstrual disorder, fertility and pregnancy disorder.

Tips for maintaining the women in early pregnancy

maintaining the women in early pregnancy tips
The pregnancy is the amazing miracle given by the god that is unreplaceable. Even for the woman who has some difficulty to get the pregnancy try to spend a lot of money for it. After getting the pregnancy the woman shouldn’t do some activities that will be very dangerous for the fetus health.

There are some cases should be considered by the pregnant women to maintain her health and her fetus itself both in the beginning of pregnancy and the childbirth process. There are some preparation should be done by the woman for to get a successful childbirth process. The most dangerous case in the first trimester is the miscarriage.

In the first trimester the woman must consume an adequate food to prevent deformity for the baby after the childbirth process. Although the woman usually gets the morning snack during this period, it will be better for the woman to consume the 400 mg of float acid per day. The woman need to know that when the woman`s hunger will create some queasy for herself.

Eat some foods gradually with a frequent intensity to prevent the queasy in the beginning of pregnancy. This can be useful technique to avoid some negative effects happens to your fetus. The woman will be often to get asleep in early pregnancy. If it happens to you it will be better to sleep immediately to keep your stamina.
The woman who has bad habits such as smoking, consuming the alcohol will need more exercise to prepare her pregnancy. It can be used to prevent the bad effects happens to the baby. It can also be used to prevent some problems related to the woman`s health such as the puffed up, and feeling weak.

In the second trimester, the woman is recommended to maintain her emotional stability by doing some refreshment or buy some equipment for your baby in the baby gear shop. If the woman has bought some equipment in the second trimester she will feel relax to prepare the childbirth process in the third trimester.

  • Maintaining the pregnant woman`s health can be done by consuming an adequate nutrition for the woman and reducing some excessive activities.
  • In early pregnancy the woman should consume some foods contains a lot of iron to prevent the anemia.
  • The woman can buy some equipment for the baby in the end of the second trimester, so that she can focus on the childbirth preparation in the third trimester.

The Physical Disorders of the Down Syndrome Sufferers

Down Syndrome children
The Down Syndrome is caused because there is a chromosomal anomaly which are the special fibers are obtained in every cell of the human body. In these chromosomes are the genetic materials which determine the characteristics of a person. The Down Syndrome disease can also be caused by the result of chromosomal deviation when the conception or separation.

Although the Down Syndrome are more often experienced by the babies were born by mothers aged over 40 years which is about 1 case in 100 live births, but this is also very possible to occur in the women who are still very productive. The physical features of children who suffering  the Down Syndrome are as the following:

1. The features of the head, face, and neck:
  • Having a face that looks almost the same as the face of the Mongolian where the base of his nose is kemek. The distance between the two eyes are far and excessive of the skin at the inside corners.
  • The size of the mouth is small, whereas the size of the tongue is large causes the tongue is always stick outward.
  • The growth of teeth are slow and irregular.
  • The looks of ears are lower.
  • The head of the down syndrome sufferer are smaller and rather wide from the front to the back.
  • The neck is rather short.
  • The Down Syndrome child is usually having the small bones in part of the neck that is unstable causes polio (atlantoaxial instability).
  • paralyzed (atlantoaxial instability)

2. The features at the hands and the arms:
  • Having the short fingers and the pinkie is bent inward.
  • The palm there is only one vein is called simian crease.

3. The features at the leg:
  • The legs are rather short and the distance between the big toe and second toe are rather far apart.

4. The feature at the muscles:
  • The  Down Syndrome sufferers have the weak muscles so become flabby and they facing the problems about the development of rough-motor.
In addition the physical problems of the outside body parts above, the Down Syndrome children are usually have trouble the organs anomaly of heart and intestine. The disturbance of the heart health that are most often experienced by the Down Syndrome children are the type of bluish hollowed heart (cynotic spell) and breathing difficult. Whereas the intestinal problems that often occur are:
  • The esophagus (atresia) are not open so at the age of 1-2 days, the baby is difficult to swallow the spittle.
  • The duodenum small intestine cannal and the rectal canal are not open or experience the narrowing (Hirshprung Disease). This is caused the nerve systems that are abnormal in the rectum part causing the baby's stomach are distended and difficult to defecate.
  • The pregnant women aged over 40 years have the high risk to delivery the Down Syndrome child, with a comparison of 1: 100,
  • The physical features of the child suffers the Down Syndrome can be seen from the features of the physical characteristics of the head, face, neck, hands, arms, legs and muscles,
  • In addition the physical outside, the Down Syndrome sufferer are usually also experience the disturbance on the esophagus, small intestine and large intestine.

Hypertension When Childbirth Process causing Death

Childbirth Process Tips
Hypertension when Childbirth Process is quite dangerous because it triggers the complications at the moment the pregnancy and childbirth. The pregnant women approaches the delivery that have a history of hypertension having the high risk for the babies born. The impact of high blood pressure in the pregnant women is damage the kidneys or the other vital organs.

The condition of high blood pressure can also cause eclampsia and preklamasia that cause the abnormal births, premature until the babies death during the delivery.

The recent research which was done in California stating that the pregnant women who suffer hypertension have a 60% higher risk of having the autism children. The research involved 1,001 children were consisted of the autism sufferers, the developmental delays sufferers, and also the normal children. And from that research was known that a family with a history of hypertension, in fact it could increase the risk of autism descent births.

Overcoming the Hypertension when Childbirth

The childbirth process preparation in the hypertension sufferers should have been done since the early of pregnancy, and generally it uses the different ways depended on the condition of hypertension. A pregnant woman is said suffering the hypertension if the blood pressure of 140/90 to 150/100 mmHg. In that condition the pregnant women are given drugs to reduce the blood pressure, and they will be required to reduce the salt intake and also the physical activity with the aim of controlling the blood pressure, in order to it is not continue to soar.

For the pregnant women with the blood pressure of 150/90 to 180/110 mmHg are recommended to keep taking the hypertension drugs, such as methyldopa and hydralazine. And after doing the monitoring of fetal growth and the renal function checkups every month shows the great results, then the give birth induction can begin when the age of gestation is 38 weeks.

Whereas for the pregnant women who had the blood pressure above 180/110 mmHg, the special care needs to be done pre-childbirth to prevent the brain swelling and does not influence the baby’s health during childbirth.

  • Hypertension when childbirth would endanger the health of the mother and fetus,
  • The high blood pressure in the dangerous category is of 150/90 to 180/110 mmHg,
  • Overcoming the hypertension when pregnancy is by reducing salt intake and treatment during pregnancy.

The Dangers of Ice Bucket Challenge for Health

effect of Ice Bucket Challenge fo Health
Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC) is a movement of flush the body with the ice water, which is currently being a trend in the virtual world as an initiative form of fund-raising. This activity is much done the world society, start from celebrities, the public figures, until the ordinary people who done  just for fun.

Actually  the Ice Bucket Challenge is a movement with the goal to fund-raising for ALS disease research or known as Lou Gehrig's's Disease. Activity flushing the ice water will be recorded, and later, the video will be uploaded on the Internet, accompanied with the donations between US$ 10-US$ 100.

For those of you who want to do the Ice Bucket Challenge should be more careful, because some cases had showed the health hazards of that activity. One case which was recently circulated is an American teenager named Sergio Cardozo who reported died on the spot, after doing Ice Bucket Challenge with his two friends.

Sergio Cardozo with his two friends did Ice Bucket Challenge using a dustbin contained the cold water and ice. After the water poured over the head of Sergio, the dustbin were used, was dropped. And despite he had using a protective helmet for the head, Sergio died because experienced an injury on the neck that struck down the dustbin.

Activity that is becoming the trend is, actually it has a lot of risk on a small scale, Ice Bucket Challenge can cause the eye injury which is caused because there are friction the small chunks of ice on the cornea. The performers are also have a risk of hypothermia because the pressure of ice water suddenly and in large numbers, especially on the head side.

The Hazard of Ice Bucket Challenge for Heart

Flushing of the water ice on the head and body directly and suddenly can cause the shock, the heart beat decreased and trigger the rhythm of heart work is interrupted.

Dr. Daniel Jurewitz, a cardiologist from Santa Barbara said that in the certain people the Ice Bucket Challenge activities can trigger the problems in the heart and cardiovascular health, which can cause the heart attack even death. Pouring the ice water on the head causes the reflex of the airways to close the larynx, so that the heart beat becomes slow, even cause a person stops breathing.

For those of you who want to do Ice Bucket Challenge with a sincere purpose to fund-raising should prepare with the mature calculation. This is to avoid the unwanted accidents. The Ice Bucket Challenge performers should also doing a health examination beforehand and when the action is done, make sure the safety equipment has been used and the emergency unit has been prepared.

  • Ice Bucket Challenge is a movement of the body flush with the ice water, which aims to fund-raising for ALS research,
  • Sergio Cardozo died causes fallen the ice container when doing the Ice Bucket Challenge,
  • Ice Bucket Challenge dangers is a work accident, endanger the eyes and heart.

Some tips to prepare the pregnancy and the childbirth process

natural childbirth process
The preparations of the pregnancy and childbirth process begin when the woman gets the positive result of the pregnancy test. It can be in the first week or some weeks later. There are three phases for the parents to prepare the childbirth. The first is the preparation which is needed during the pregnancy, the second is the preparation which is needed before the childbirth, and the last is the preparation which is needed after the childbirth process.

The mental preparation is very important to be done during the pregnancy, and it can be done by feeling happy, having a positive thinking, getting the affection from the husband and the family, praying to god, and finding more information about the pregnancy (From the books, internet and someone experience).

Physical preparation is also needed when the baby is still in the womb. It can be done by consuming some foods which contains a lot of nutrition, and consuming many kinds of foods in more serving. We can consult to the doctor to control the woman`s health and also the fetus health. The pregnant woman must take an adequate rest, doing the pregnant exercise, and caring the woman breast in appropriate way.

Environmental preparation can be done to prepare the woman`s pregnancy and the childbirth process  It must be supported by the husband and the family emotionally. If the condition of our environment is clean and healthy, it will have a good influence for the woman`s psychology.

The mental preparation which can be done is by praying to the god so that we can get the easier way to pass the pregnancy and the childbirth process. As we know that the childbirth is the most amazing process and we have to make a great struggle to improve our spirit during the childbirth process. We should know some indications of the childbirth process and the best time to bring the pregnant woman to the nearest clinics, midwife, or to the hospital to get the medical treatment for the childbirth process.

The material preparation is important because we must have a great consideration related to the how much the cost needed during the natural childbirth process and after the childbirth process.  We should have a good preparation for our baby such as some clothes for the baby, toiletries, baby gears, etc. the environmental preparation which can be done before the childbirth is providing the clean rooms which has an adequate ventilation so that the room get the sunlight in every morning.

After the childbirth we can do the mental preparation for the baby, for example the mother begins to learn about how to take care of the baby, how to bath the baby, care the baby`s umbilical cord, how to message the baby, and how to identify some indications about the baby`s health disruption. The physical/material preparation after the childbirth can be done by take care of the physical and psychological health to get an adequate breast milk production.

  • The preparations of pregnancy and childbirth process can be physically, mentally, and environmentally.
  • The physical and psychological health is very important to prepare the pregnancy and the childbirth.

Tips for conducting the sexual intercourse in the beginning of pregnancy

pregnancy health of sexual
In the beginning of pregnancy especially in the first trimester is the crucial moment for the pregnant woman. In this phase the woman becomes risky to get the miscarriage. The doctor or midwife will give advice to the pregnant woman to be more careful and not allowed to have so many activity because if the condition of the pregnancy is weak therefore it will be very risky to get the miscarriage. How about conducting a sexual intercourse in this phase?

Basically a sexual is allowed as long as your pregnancy is not categorized in the dangerous condition such as the woman had ever getting the miscarriage. It is allowed if we conduct the sexual intercourse in a right position.

There are some good positions for doing the sexual intercourse in the beginning of pregnancy

Pregnancy shouldn’t be the obstruction to conduct the sexual intercourse. Even some women have got the amazing sexual intercourse sense when having the pregnancy. There are four positions which are safe for conducting the sexual intercourse with the pregnant woman.
  • The position of the woman is in the top of the man. It is the safest position for the woman because she will not get a high pressure, even some woman feel so comfortable in this position.
  • Having the missionary position where the woman take a lie down position with her knees are pulled on her breast. It will be easier for the man to having the penetration. To make the woman feels more comfortable you can put a pillow under the woman`s body.
  • Sideway lying position is the position enable the woman to have a sideway position. The position of the man is in her backward. This position enable the man to touch the woman`s stomach or her sensitive part of her body.
  • Sit face to face, this position enable the woman to find the available position and her movement therefore it will not influence her pregnancy. In this position it will be better for you to conduct the sexual intercourse smoothly. Don’t make some pressure to the woman`s stomach to prevent some negative effects for her pregnancy.

Some prohibitions in conducting the sexual intercourse in the beginning of pregnancy

The sexual intercourse during the pregnancy is prohibited if the woman getting some bleeding, having leucorrhea during the pregnancy, and having a painful when doing the sexual intercourse. We should avoid the sexual intercourse if the doctor state that the woman`s pregnancy is risky in the beginning of the pregnancy.

To maintain the family harmony especially with our wife is not only by conducting the sexual intercourse but we can do another ways such as by kissing her, hug her smoothly, and touching her stomach together to feel the growth of the fetus in the woman`s uterus.

  • In the first trimester the woman will need more attention and she must be careful in doing their daily activity.
  • We still allowed to conduct the sexual intercourse for some conditions moreover if the doctor explains that the woman`s pregnancy is not in dangerous situation.
  • The safe positions for the pregnant woman who want to conduct the sexual intercourse are in the top of the man, missionary, sideway position, and sitting face to face.

Knowing the men`s fertile period is very important to get an effective pregnancy for the woman

pregnancy program
Beside the woman, a also has the men's fertile period. It is the period where the sperm is in a good condition to inseminate the ovum. In fact, the men do not have a monthly fertile period like the woman. But in every morning especially in a cold weather a man can produce the sperm in a large scale.

Generally the change of the time or season will influence the sperm quantity that is produced by the men. In a cold weather the production of the sperm will increase significantly rather than in a hot weather. In the morning the temperature of the weather is cold therefor it can improve the sperm production.

A hot weather will influence the quality of the sperm itself. The men`s testes are very sensitive toward the change of the temperature. When the temperature becomes hot, the sperm cannot live longer, and the quality of the sperm will decrease.

Therefore we have to consider the effective time to conduct the sexual intercourse for the couple who has a pregnancy program. It is also important for us to keep our reproduction organ as well as possible by avoiding to smoke, keeping the normal temperature of our genitals, and having a healthy life style. It will be better for us to conduct the sexual intercourse in the morning or in a cold weather to keep the quality of the sperm.

It can be more effective because in the morning we will have a good spirit. Therefore conducting the sexual intercourse in the morning is better rather than in the midnight because when we get drowsiness, it will decrease the spirit and the sensation of the sexual intercourse itself. A best time to conducting a sexual intercourse is in the morning that is from 04.00 am until 07.00 am.

  • A men`s fertile period happens in the morning that is from 4.00 am until 7.00 am, or in the cool weather.
  • The men`s fertile period will happen in the 3rd day until the 7th day after the sperm come out from the reproductive organ.
  • A good condition for the men to produce the sperm is in the morning or in the cool weather because in this condition the men can produce a lot of sperm which has a good quality.
  • The drowsiness which happens in the midnight can decrease our spirit to do sexual intercourse.

Contraception which can be used by the men to prevent the Birth Control

men contraception
The most known contraception that can be used by the men is condom. But we need to know that there are some contraception which can be used by the men to prevent the woman`s pregnancy. Even the man can prevent the pregnancy without using the contraception. These are the following example of the contraception which can be used by the men.

1.    Condom

Condom is a simple contraception that is available in almost all the drugstores. Even you can find it in the nearest supermarket. Recently we can find this kind of contraception in different shapes and teste. Some people don’t like to use this contraception because they feel uncomfortable when they use it. They say that using condom can reduce the teste of the sexual intercourse. Some people also state that its very difficult to find an appropriate size for their penis.

2.    Pull out

It is the traditional ways to prevent the pregnancy. The men can do it by pulling out his penis when getting the ejaculation. It is very simple because the men can do it without any contraception. But it is not effective to protect the sexual disease infection.

3.    Using drug

Drug contraception is also being developed by the expert to be used by the men. It functions to obstruct the sperm penetration to the woman`s ovum. Therefore it can reduce the risk of pregnancy. This kind of contraception can be a drugs or injection. But it will spend much money to get it. We have to consume the drug on time for the effective usage.

4.    Ultrasonography

Recently many experts develop the new contraception techniques. One of the techniques is ultrasonography. This kind of method has a function to reduce the sperm penetration. Therefore it will very difficult to fertilize the woman`s ovum. But this kind of contraception is still being tested to the animal. It doesn’t published yet whether it is safe for the human or not, because if it cannot be controlled well it will be very dangerous. It can kill all of the human sperm, it will cause infertility.

5.    Vasectomy

The safest contraception technique for the men is vasectomy. It can be categorized as a permanent contraception. It only be done for the men who won`t to get the pregnancy forever. Vasectomy can be done by cutting the tube that carries sperm from the testes to the genitals.

  • The most known birth control that can be used for the man is condom.
  • There are five kinds of contraception such as condom, pull out, ultrasonography, vasectomy, and drug.

Tips for conducting the breastfeeding when the woman gets some illnesses

breastfeeding tips
Does the woman who gets some illnesses allowed to do the breastfeeding? There are so many women who ask about it because they are worried if the illnesses can be spread by the breast milk. In this occasion the writer will try to discuss about it to find appropriate solution. The solution is that the woman shouldn’t be worried about that because the illnesses will not influence the breast milk quality.

The breast milk will produce the antibody substances which are useful for the baby although the woman is having some illnesses. Therefore it will give an equal benefit for the baby to get a good immunity system. Likewise the drug consumed by the woman will not influence the quality of the breast milk. But there are some medicines that can influence the woman`s breast milk such as the anticancer medicines or the woman having the cancer treatment using radioactive.

Tips for conducting breastfeeding when the woman having influenza or fever

For the woman who gets influenza will be better to use the masker when doing the breastfeeding because the influenza viruses can be easily to spread through the sneeze or cough. The woman shouldn’t be wary to consume some influenza medicine and fever given by the doctor.

Tips for conducting the breastfeeding when the woman gets some diarrhea 

Diarrhea is one of the disease that can cause a heavy defecate in the frequent period (It can be more than 6 times a day). The diarrhea can cause some dehydration, therefore the woman need to consume a lot of foods and beverages to replace the body fluids. The woman should wash her hand using soap before conducting the breastfeeding. The diarrhea microbe can spread through the unsterile hand.

Tips for conducting the breastfeeding when the woman getting the hepatitis a disease

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics there is no evidence that is found related to the spreading of the hepatitis A in the woman`s breast milk. To prevent the infection of the hepatitis a for the baby, the woman should wash her hand before conducting the breastfeeding. Therefore the woman should not be worried about it.

Tips for conducting the breastfeeding for the woman who gets the diabetes 

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is not a contagious disease but you must pay for attention about that. The woman will has some profit during the lactation. Based on a certain research, the woman who is conducting the breastfeeding will have a lower risk of getting the diabetes mellitus in the next pregnancy. The hormonal changes in the woman`s body can reduce the blood sugar level and make the woman feels well.

  • The woman is allowed to do the breastfeeding when she gets some illnesses which is not caused by contagious disease through the breast milk.
  • Doing the breastfeeding when the woman gets some illnesses will give an equal benefit for the baby to improve his immunity.

How to overcome the effect of the one monthly period of injection and three monthly periods of injections

injection contraception effect
The effect of the injection contraception will happen in the beginning of the usage. It usually can be healed in several months/in several menstrual cycles. There are some types of injection contraception such as the combinative injection and progesterone injection. These kinds of injection can have a difference side effect.

The combinative injection is a kind of injection contraception which is combined with 25 mg of DepoMedroxyprogesterone  acetate and 5 mg of Estradiol cypionate, 50 mg of NoretindronEnantate and 5 mg of estradiol valerate. While progesterone injection can be divided into two kinds of injection, the first is DepoMedroxyprogesterone  acetate which contains 150 mg of DMPA, and it can be given in every 3 months. The second is DepoNorethisteroneenantate which contains 200 mg of NoretindronEnantate, and it can be given in every 2 months.

There are some effects which are caused the injection contraception especially for the pregnant woman:
  • Amenorhea that is the indication where the menstrual blood is not assemble in the uterus. If there is no pregnancy this effect does not need the special treatment, but if there is a menstrual problem or pregnancy, the injection contraception must be stopped. Actually the Progestin and estrogen hormone injection have a small effect for the embryo.
  • Queasiness is the indication which is often to be felt by the woman as the result of the injection contraception usage. It will be healed naturally without a drug consuming.
  • Bleeding / spotting is an indication which happens frequently as an effect of the injection contraception usage. If the bleeding is unstoppable you must change or use another contraception method.
  • Overweight or weight loss is the effect which is caused by injection contraception usage. If your weight becomes increasing significantly or becomes overweight you should stop the use of the injection contraception or use another contraception method.
  • You will get some headache in the first usage, and it can be solved by consuming the anti-prostaglandin and 500 mg acetosal three times a day.
  • Hematoma is a bluish skin symptom which can be treated by compressing the skin with cold water for 2 days, after that compress the skin using a warm water to make the skin symptom fade away.
  • Vaginal candidiasis is an indication which is caused by the injection contraception usage. It can be treated by using Anti-Cholinergic such as extrabelladona 10 mg which can be consumed twice a day.
  • The effects of the injection contraception are Amenhorea, queasiness, bleeding/spotting, overweight, headache, hematoma, and vaginal candidiasis.
  • Some indications which are caused by the use of injection contraception can be treated naturally but it will have more negative side we must get a medical treatment.

How to count the woman fertile period in irregular menstrual cycle

menstrual cycle
We have a different way to count the woman fertile period in irregular menstrual period. For the woman who has a regular menstrual cycle, the fertile period will be on the 13th day until the 15th day before the next menstrual cycle.

Knowing the fertile period is very important for the couple who want to get the pregnancy or to delay the pregnancy by using the natural ways. If we want to get a pregnancy, the fertile period can be used as the guidance for us to conduct the sex intercourse because in this phase the woman ovum will have a good ovulation process. Therefore it can increase the potential pregnancy. While if we want to delay the pregnancy we have to avoid the sexual intercourse during the fertile period.

The following example is the way how to count the fertile period in irregular menstrual period. A woman has a menstrual period in early January and her regular menstrual period is in date of 22 every month. But until May the menstrual cycle is delayed for 8 days (She gets the menstruation in 30 May), in June the menstruation happens in the date of 28th, while in July the menstruation is delayed until 3 August.

The irregular menstrual cycle often make the woman starting to get frustration because when the menstrual cycle is delayed they often to think that they have got a pregnancy, whereas it is not always true. When the woman gets her menstrual cycle again it means that she doesn’t get a pregnancy. To solve the problems above, let`s see the following explanation about how to count the fertile period in irregular menstrual cycles.

If the menstrual cycle is irregular we have to make some notes about the total of the days in one cycle during 6 months (6 cycles). A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation until the first day in the next menstrual cycle. And then you can count the total of the shortest days in 6 cycles, minus 18. This calculation will determine the first day of the fertile period in the 7th month. Then the total of the longest day in 6 menstrual cycles is minus 11 so it can be found the last day of the 7th month.

To make the calculation of the fertile period in irregular menstrual cycles becomes simple, it can be explained in the following explanation. The first day of fertile period = the total of the shortest day – 18. The last fertile period day = the longest day – 11. Another example is that if the woman`s shortest cycle is 26 days and the longest cycle is 32 days so the calculation is 26-18=8 and 32-11=21. Therefore fertile period of the 7th month is from the 8th -21th day from the first menstrual day.

To count the fertile period in irregular cycle is so complicated, but it is very important to do that to improve the opportunities of the pregnancy. We hope that after we learn about that, we can get our dream to get the pregnancy.

  • The woman fertile period is very important to be known to improve the opportunities of the pregnancy or to delay the pregnancy,
  • To count the fertile period in irregular cycle can be done by making some notes about the menstrual cycle during 6 months,
  • The calculation formula to count the fertile period in irregular cycle is 26-18=8 and 32-11=21

Tips to overcome the insomnia for the pregnant woman

pregnant woman sleep
Insomnia is one of the problems than can happen to the pregnant woman frequently. Even all of the pregnant woman will get the insomnia especially in the third trimester. It caused by some cases such as the growth of her stomach that becomes bigger, the movement of the fetus in the woman`s womb or there is a painful in the heartburn.

Many pregnant women who get this problem become worried about the condition of the fetus. But you shouldn’t be worried about that because based on the research conducted by some expert explains that taking an adequate rest will very useful for the pregnant woman. If she gets the problem about insomnia, she shouldn’t be worried about that because it will not endanger the fetus.

These are the following tips to overcome the problems of insomnia for the pregnant woman:
  • The most comfortable sleeping position for the pregnant woman is tilting the body to the left.
  • Take a bath using warm water and using the fragrant soap to help you getting a comfortable sleeping.
  • Don’t eat a lot of meals at night because it will create some painful in the heartburn. Therefore you can`t sleep well at night.
  • Doing some exercise (Yoga, walk around, or pilates) in every day for 30 minutes. It will make you becomes more relax and comfortable when you sleeping.
  • Listening to the music can be the alternative way to make the pregnant woman becomes more relax. Therefore she will get a comfortable sleeping.
  • Doing the sexual intercourse can be an alternative way for the pregnant woman to be relax because the woman usually feel more relax after doing the sexual intercourse.
  • You can take a deep breathing to reduce the muscular tension and to overcome the problem of insomnia. This activity can be done by lying down, standing or sitting on the chair. You can do the deep breathing through your nose smoothly, hold the breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale through your mouth. You can do it for several minutes for the relaxation.
Almost all the pregnant woman can get the insomnia, therefore you should be more patient about that and you must be enjoy this situation during the pregnancy. You should take a rest in some moments to keep your energy.
  • There are some cases that make the pregnant woman getting the insomnia such as the growth of her stomach that becomes bigger, the movement of the fetus in the woman`s womb or there is a painful in the heartburn.
  • Most of the pregnant woman can get the insomnia therefore you should be more patient to overcome this problem.
  • You can overcome the problem of insomnia by avoiding some heavy meals at night, conducting the sexual intercourse and using the warm water when you taking a bath.

Appropriate ways used to stimulate nipples to accelerate the childbirth process

 stimulate the nipples to accelerate the normal childbirth
Nipple stimulation is a way that is recommended by the medical officer to accelerate the normal childbirth. It is recommended for the woman to reduce her worried which may happen near the childbirth date prediction. The woman often feels so worried and nervous about that. The contraction and a painful childbirth process will be the most frightening situation for the woman.

The nipples stimulation can be preceded by a circle movement. We can do a smooth rubbing and massaging around the woman`s nipples area. this technique will stimulate the woman`s breast to get some contraction. The oxytocin hormone will launch the normal childbirth process by controlling the woman`s cervix contraction before the childbirth process. Another benefit of the oxytocin hormone is that it can able to restore the uterus to pre-pregnancy shape more quickly after childbirth.

Some prohibition for the woman to do the nipples stimulation

The nipples stimulation can be done only in the normal childbirth situation, and the woman is not recommended to do that if she gets some risky situation during the pregnancy such as the diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, having the caesarean section, etc.

Techniques for doing the nipples stimulation

This technique will have the similarity from the technique of the nipple stimulation when the woman wants to do the breastfeeding. It can be done by massaging the woman`s areola (darker area around the woman`s nipples). It is done not only by twisting the woman`s nipples. Put your hand palms on the areola then doing the circle movement and press it smoothly. Do this technique for an hour and do it in three times a day.

Do it for 15 minutes for each breast. Then you can do it gradually for an hour. This activity can be helped by the husband so that the woman doesn’t feel so tired to do the stimulation.

The nipples stimulation will enhance the childbirth process if it is done when in the childbirth period or in nearly childbirth date prediction. Make sure that the woman`s cervical becomes smoother and ready to get the opening childbirth process.

We should consider the following cases when conducting the nipples stimulation:
  • The nipples stimulation can`t be done on both your breast at the same times, but we can do it one by one.
  • You are not recommended to do the nipples stimulation if there is a contraction in 3 minutes or 1 minute.
  • The stimulation is prohibited during the contraction.
  • Stimulation is a technique that can be used to enhance the normal childbirth process.
  • The nipples stimulation can encourage the oxytocin hormone production which can enhance the contractions.
  • The stimulation can be done by doing the circle movement and pressing the nipples smoothly. Do it for 1 hour alternately.

5 Tips to determine the baby`s gender that you want

Determining the gender of the baby
Determining the gender of the baby in the pregnancy program is very difficult because it is the fate that is given by the god. But recently the technology and the human knowledge is developed significantly therefore the human can make some effort to plan the baby`s gender as they want. Determining the gender of the baby can be done before the pregnancy and when you conduct the sexual intercourse not during the pregnancy.

Someone gender is built since the sperm meet the ovum. Therefore you need to know the process of the human formation is not in the woman`s womb but in the woman`s ampulla tuba fallopian, in this phase there is an amalgamation of the woman`s chromosome and the men`s chromosome included the gender. The probability of the baby`s gender is 50-50. Actually we can predetermine if there is a deviation in the beginning of the pregnancy.

The woman is only has one chromosome that is X while a men can bring the X chromosome and Y chromosome. If there is an amalgamation between the sperm Y and the ovum X therefor the baby`s gender will be male. Another factors that can influence the gender is the genetically factors. Generally if the family who has the great tendency to born the male baby therefore it is often for its descend will born the male babies too. It happens for almost 200 years.

The methods that frequently be used to determine the baby`s gender is by using Dr. Landrum Shettles`s method. He analyze that if the woman`s Ph becomes more alkalis therefore it will have a great tendency to get the  baby boy. And if the womanPh becomes more acid therefore it will have a great tendency to get the female baby.

The sexual intercourse position will influence the determination of the baby`s gender

Based on the analysis result above we can find the appropriate the woman`s vaginal Ph. The most simples way is by maintaining the position when we conducting the sexual intercourse. To make the woman`s vaginal Ph becomes alkalis you should penetrate your penis to the woman`s vagina deeply to the cervix. While you want the woman`s vaginal Ph becomes acid you should penetrate your penis into the woman`s vagina but try to reach the outer position. So it will increase the opportunity to get the baby boy.

To control the depth of the penetration is using the missionaries position because it will create the woman`s vaginal Ph becomes acid, and the purpose of rear-entry position to create the woman`s vaginal Ph becomes alkalis therefore you will get a high opportunity to get the male baby.

Some foods determining the baby`s gender

The food that you choose may help you to determine or to plan the baby`s gender. For example to create the acid condition you can choose some foods which more salty, having a high calcium, and magnesium.  Such assome milk product (Cheese, yoghurt). You must avoid consuming some foods made of a meat because this kind of food will have a high sodium and potassium. If you want to get the baby boy you can consume the kind of food that has a high sodium and potassium.

You can wash your vagina before conducting the sexual intercourse to get an appropriate vaginal Ph. For example if you want to get the vaginal acid condition, you can wash your vagina using vinegar before conducting the sexual intercourse. If you want to get the vaginal alkalis condition you can wash your vagina using baking soda. This kind of technique has 50-70% of success.

Choosing a best time for conducting the sexual intercourse can be used to determine the baby`s gender

Another ways to determine the baby`s gender is by using the ovulation periods. This technique can be done by looking at the sperm movement. We should consider that the sperm y will be smaller because the genetic material is more little or generally shorter. The sperm X is bigger and it moves slower but it can leave in longer period.

Based on the explanation above we can maintain the best time for doing the sexual intercourse to determine the baby`s gender as we want. The closer time of sexual intercourse toward the woman`s ovulation (1-2 days before the ovulation) therefore we hope that the sperm y can be faster move to the woman`s ovum and the opportunities to get the baby boy will be very high.

While if you want to get the female baby therefore the sexual intercourse can be done in 3-5 days before the ovulation, and after that don’t do the sexual intercourse. By using this technique you will get 70-80% of success.

By using the medical treatment we can choose the sperm to determine the baby`s gender. It can be done by choose the X sperm and Y by filtered them using albumin. By using this method you can get 78-85 % of success to get the baby boy and 73-75% for the female baby.

There is a modern method pregnancy program that is by using the microsort. This technique enables us to mark the chromosome with the fluorescence coloring or FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). The sperm is marked by using the fluorescence therefore it will spread a certain color. For example the sperm Y is green and X is red. By using this method you will get 85 % of success. But it still has a controversial related to safety of the coloring usage.

  • Planning the baby`s gender can be done in the pregnancy planning and sexual intercourse.
  • The male gender can be formed if the Y sperm chromosome meets the x female ovum
  • Determining the baby`s gender can be done by choosing an appropriate sexual intercourse position and the best time for conducting the sexual intercourse.

Tips for choosing the milk for the woman before the pregnancy

milk for the woman for pregnancy program
Many people know that milk is only for the pregnant woman and the breast feeding woman. Bu we need to know that there are some milk products that is useful for the woman before the pregnancy to prepare her pregnancy. Many people do not know about that because they don’t have a lot of information about it. It will be different to the pregnant woman who has a lot of recommendation to consume the milk during the pregnancy.

Recently there are a lot of milk products which are available for the pregnant woman with various teste and benefit therefore it will reduce the woman`s boredom to consume it. It is very important to maximize the nutrition supply for the pregnant woman and it is very useful for the fetus growth.

There are some milk products which are only be used to reduce the queasy in the beginning of the pregnancy. This kind of milk can help the woman who has a lower appetite. The woman will have an adequate nutrition which is supplied by the milk product.

The benefit of the milk for the woman before the pregnancy

When making the pregnancy plan, it will be better for us to consume some milk to enhance the pregnancy. A good milk product will contains a lot of float acid. This substance will be useful to prepare the woman`s cervix where the fetus live inside of it and reduce the risk of getting the deformity and bone defects.

The milk should contain the iron and vitamin C because the iron is very good to supply the oxygen for the pregnant woman and to prepare the fetus brain during the pregnancy. The milk product should have the fat. It functions to prevent some heart disease and it will very useful to improve the brain development therefore the baby will have a good intelligence.

Tips for choosing the milk product for the woman before the pregnancy

Before buy the milk product, you must check the nutrition contained by its product. Whether the product contains a lot of nutrition needed by the woman or not.

For the woman who has some problems in certain disease, she must be careful and more selective to choose appropriate milk product for her. Certainly the milk product will not bring a negative effect for her health. Beside consuming the milk product before the pregnancy, the woman must have an adequate vitamin supply. The vitamin A can be found in the following natural resources such as tomato, carrots, mango, and yams.

  • There a few woman who have a good consideration of consuming the milk product before the pregnancy.
  • The benefit of the milk product for the woman before the pregnancy is to maintain the condition of the woman to get ready for having the pregnancy.
  • A good milk products for the woman before the pregnancy will contain the float acid, iron, vitamin c and fat acid.

There are five risks caused by the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period

menstrual period sexual
Many people try to avoid the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because of many factors such as the morality factor and also obeying the religion rule. Especially for Islam, it is not allowed to be conducted during the menstrual period. Some of people feel so disgusted when conduct the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because the woman genital is still bleeding. Recently there are some researchers found that this activity can create a negative effect for the woman`s reproductive organs.

These are the following explanation related to why the sexual intercourse can be dangerous to be conducted during the menstrual period.
  1. It will have a high risk to get some sexual disease infection. It happens because when getting the menstrual period, the woman`s cervical will open widely therefore the bacteria and the dangerous fungi enable to go into the woman cervix through this process. When conducting the sexual intercourse it often to make a small injured for the woman`s vagina. The unsterile menstrual blood or unsterile sperm which contains a lot of bacteria can enter to the body easily. The HIV/AIDS viruses can be spread quickly through this process.
  2. During the menstrual period, the woman vagina will have a lower PH / acidity level therefore the penetration of the bacteria and even viruses can`t be protected optimally.
  3. Endometriosis happens because of the entering unsterile blood in the woman`s body through the oviduct. It will happen easily when the woman conduct the sexual intercourse until she getting orgasm. It can create some strong contraction in the woman`s uterus.
  4. The emboli will happen because of the penetration of the air bubbling. Possibly the woman will get the blood vessel opening during the menstrual period, therefore it will be very dangerous if there is an air bubble entering the woman`s body through the opening blood vessel. It will obstruct the blood circulation in the hearth area and even it will have a high risk of death.
  5. Sexual intercourse during the menstrual period will also have a possibility to get a pregnancy. It happens because several women have irregular and short menstrual cycle. The sperm can survive to leave in the womb for 2-3 days.
  • Many people try to avoid the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period because of many factors such as the morality factor and also obeying the religion rule.
  • The sexual intercourse cab be dangerous because it will make some dangerous problems of health.
  • The hearth Emboli may happen if we conduct the sexual intercourse during the menstrual period.

How to overcome the itch on the skin caused by the caesarean section

caesarean section process
The caesarean section is a childbirth process that is done by a surgery. The doctor conduct the surgery by creating an incision to the woman`s uterine wall and the stomach. Therefore we should have a great attention to the curing process after the surgery. The first action after the caesarean section is doing the medical treatment in order to cure the woman`s fitness after the surgery. The woman should have the medical treatment optimally or the woman should take the hospitalization approximately about 5 days.

For several cases the woman who has done the caesarean section will have the eating postponement because the intestines have not functioning yet. Another effect is getting the itches around the caesarean section scare. The itches happens because when doing the caesarean section there are a lot of nerves in the skin which is sliced, when it started to heal it will create some itches around the caesarean section scar.

Tips to prevent the itches after the caesarean section

There are some techniques that can be done to prevent the itches after getting the caesarean section
  1. Do not scratch the caesarean scar although you have unbearable itches. It will be better for you to wipe your stomach smoothly. The itches can be used as an indicator that the caesarean scare has being recovered.
  2. You can use the mild soap which you use to take bath. By using this soap, it can give some moisture for your skin and it will reduce the itches you have. The doctor usually gives a salve which can be used gradually especially after taking bath. And it will help you to reduce the itches.
  3. You can do some exercise such as the childbirth exercise, or doing some a special relaxation for the woman after the childbirth process. It can help the woman to reduce the itches because the exercise will enhance the blood circulation therefore the condition of the woman after the childbirth process becomes fit.
  4. If you have the itches in more than six months it will be better for you to consult to the doctor to identify the cause of this problem. After that you can get some medical treatment which is recommended by the doctor.
  • The caesarean section will create some scars which can cause some itches on the woman skin especially on the skin around the caesarean section scars.
  • You can overcome the problem of itches caused by the caesarean section by dabbing the soap or cream given by the doctor. And avoid the scratching.
  • If you have the itches in more than six months it will be better for you to consult to the doctor to identify the cause of this problem.

Useful tips to keep the pregnant woman`s health

pregnant woman`s health tips
Actually to keep the pregnant woman`s health is not very difficult to be done. There are many simple tips that can be done to keep the pregnant woman`s health. Sometimes we ignore the simple tips to keep the pregnant woman`s health. Therefore in this occasion, we will share about some useful tips to keep the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus itself.

Keeping the head and face health

It will be better for the pregnant woman to avoid coloring and curling hair because the chemical substances of the coloring and curling hair process contain some toxic substances. We can do the head and hair care by using the shampoo when washing hair and head, and we can do the smooth massaging to the face and the head for the relaxation.

The pregnant woman often gets some black spots on her face(cloasma gravidarum). It happens because of the hormonal change that stimulates the pigmentation of the face and the neck. You don’t need to take some whitening creams because after the childbirth the spots will disappear.

Breathing with the clean air

Don’t use the paint aerosol substance, chamfer, formalin, and the insect venom such as the mosquito coils and the insect repellent sprayer. If you want to use it please use the masker to protect your respiratory organ. You should avoid the pollution caused by the vehicle emission gas. While For pregnant women with a history of asthma should avoid asthma triggers such as feathers or furs, carpet dust, pollen, cold air, etc.

Keeping the oral health

The pregnant hormone will make the gum becomes weaker and sometimes it create some bleeding. Therefore we have to brush our teeth smoothly, routinely, and appropriately. We can do it after eats some foods.  Sometimes you can rinse your mouth using warm salty water. And if your gum is easily to have some bleeding and puffy you may use the tooth paste which is appropriate for you or you can consult to your obstetricians.

Keeping the body and the breast cleanliness

For you who have the miscarriage experience will be better that you shouldn’t do the stimulation to pull your nipples in the early of pregnancy. It can stimulate the oxytocin hormone and can cause some contractions in the woman`s uterus. We can maintain the body and the breast cleanliness with regular bath in tree times a day. It is very important to be done to smooth the blood circulation. The size of enlarged breasts during pregnancy usually makes the woman feels uncomfortable. To solve this problem, the woman can wear a suitable bra.

Keeping the hand cleanliness

The pregnant woman has to keep the hand and the nails cleanliness. Make sure that you have to wash your hands before eating the food. And if you like to plant some plants you should wear the gloves so that your hands are not contaminated by the fertilizer and the animal feces. Don’t let it to make you having the diarrhea, make your body becomes weak, and cause the gastrointestinal infections. If you like to play with your pets such as the cat, dog, rabbit, or birds, you should avoid them during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of toxoplasma virus spreading through the animal feces.

Having the abdominal treatment

The woman`s stomach will grow bigger in day by day. It is the indication that the fetus grows well during the pregnancy. Therefore you shouldn’t wear the tight clothes. There are many stylish and comfortable clothes for the pregnant woman which doesn’t have a hard pressure to the woman`s stomach. You should take a good position when you sleep, you can tilt your body to the right in order to smoothen the blood circulation that will have a good influence for the fetus.

The big size of the woman stomach will influence the stability of the body. Therefore you should keep upright position when you walk, to avoid the lapsing or falling down. If you want to put something on the floor you can bend one of your knees carefully to put it.

Keeping the genitals cleanliness

The simpler tips to keep the pregnant woman`s health is keeping the genitals cleanliness to prevent the microbe penetration. After the urination you should wash your vagina using the clean water, wipe from the front to the back. Don’t use the vaginal antiseptic cleaner because it will kill the good germs. You should use the underwear made of cotton and replace it frequently to keep it clean and dry.

Don’t be panic if you get some leucorrhoea because it is caused by the hormonal change when you get the pregnancy. But if it has a bad smell, or it has green color or yellow color followed by some itchiness you should take the medical treatment. If your husband has some genital diseases you have bring him to get the medical treatment to prevent the cross infection when having the sexual intercourse.

Pregnant exercise

The woman needs to do some exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscles, to improve her immunity, to smooth the blood circulation and to have a breathing exercise. If it is difficult to be done or It is not recommended by the doctor so you can substitute it by walking exercise in each day for thirty minutes especially in the morning.

If the condition of your pregnancy is having a high risk to get the miscarriage, or you are recommended to get a bed rest you can do the Kegel exercise.

Having a special attention to the woman`s foot

The pregnant woman shouldn’t wear the high hill shoes. It will prevent the obstructing of the blood stream in the foot vascular. It can also prevent the risk of fell down. When lying put the woman`s legs upper than the body.

Sometime you can soak the foot with warm salty water, and do the massaging using the zaitun oil and lotion. You can do it while sitting on the chair. It can smoothen the blood circulation especially in the woman`s foot, prevent the varices, reduce the risk of having cramp, and  painful in the woman`s foot.

Doing the relaxation or Yoga

The pregnant woman should sleep for 1-2 hours in the afternoon and 8 hours in the night. When sleeping the woman often to get uncomfortable sleeping or having a nightmare. It happens because the anxiousness in her subconscious bring to get the nightmare. Therefore the woman have to share to each other if she have problem during the pregnancy to reduce the mental stressing and physical stressing.

Maintaining the pregnant woman`s health is not only done by the woman, but also the people around them especially for her husband. By doing the simple tips above we hope that the condition of the pregnant woman and fetus can have a good condition until reaching the childbirth process.

  • The pregnant woman has to keep her health and also the fetus health.
  • The treatment for the pregnant woman can be done to the whole body.
  • The woman`s health must be supported by the husband and people around her.

Some tips for the mother to do the breastfeeding after the caesarean section

breastfeeding after the caesarean section
For the woman who has done the caesarean section should not be worried to do the breastfeeding for the baby. It is not be determined by the childbirth process method that have been conducted but it depends on the condition of the woman and the baby after the childbirth process. These are the useful breastfeeding tips that can be used for the woman who has conducted the caesarean section.

Keep Consuming the Medicines

After the caesarean section, you still need to consume some medicines to cure the painful caused by the effect of the surgery. You should have a great awareness that the medicines given by the doctor will not have any bed effect to your baby. You can consult to the doctor to make sure that the medicine has appropriate doses.

The problems usually happen when you refuse to consume those medicines. The unbearable pain can influence the breastfeeding process to your baby.

Early initiation of breastfeeding

Every new born baby should get an adequate the breast milk supply. It will need some agreement and also some corporations between the medical officer and the woman to support each other and to help the woman to do the early initiation of breastfeeding.

It can give some opportunities for the woman and her baby to get the physically contact skin by skin. It can be done by putting the baby on the woman`s breast. In this process will create a strong psychological attachment. It will be better to be done in a view moments after the childbirth process

Every hospital should have a lactation consultant. Their duty is to help the woman to have a successful lactation for the new born baby. The consultant will help the woman about how to do the breastfeeding therefore the woman and the baby will get a comfortable condition.

Make sure that you have a comfortable position

Finding a comfortable position is the important way to do the breastfeeding especially for the woman who has done the caesarean section. Make sure that the baby is close to you. Protect the incision using a pillow. Put your baby beside or under the armpit. After the caesarean section, it is very important for the baby to get the colostrum and the woman can try to learn about how to do the breastfeeding. It will be very useful to prevent the swelling of the woman`s breast and it will be useful to maintain an adequate breast milk supply.

Some hospital usually provides a special room enables the woman stay with her baby after the childbirth. In this room the woman can get something easily. The woman will have an easy access to do the breastfeeding to her baby. If there are some reasons that requires the woman and the baby take apart, ask the nurse to pump the breast milk in every 3-4 hours until the woman and the baby are allowed to meet again.

  • The Breastfeeding is determined by the condition of the woman and the baby after the childbirth process.
  • Make sure that the medicines that you consume have appropriate doses and it safe for the woman and the baby.
  • Finding a comfortable condition during the lactation can be guided by the consultant of lactation.

Tips to Increase The Ability of Baby Speech

The Ability of Baby Speech Tips
The capability of child speech must be trained from the early age, so that the vocabulary is more diverse and spoken correctly. You should know that children aged 18 months to 2 years, learn a new word in one week. And they have been able to say about 50 to 100 words at age 2 years.

To achieve the maximum results, you can invite the baby to talk all the day about a lot of things. Because you speak more and more to the baby, then the many new words to be studied. There are some tips to increase the ability of children speech, you can do:

Often talking to the baby

During do the activity, the ducky often invites to speak even when bathing, choose the clothes, wearing the clothes and other activities. Reveal all the parents do in words so that the children can hear more new words. Before sleeping you can also telling a story, or just singing to your child.
Reading a story book to the child

In order to the child get not bored, you can create how read the story to make it more interesting. Change your voice according to the character of the characters being read out. This become one of the ways to introduce the baby with the new words. Do not replace the activity of storytelling with a television show, because the intonation and tempo on the media is not exactly like when you talk directly to the ducky. The tempo of conversation on television too fast, and not appropriate yet with the ability to understand the meaning of the spoken word.

Showing the Form of Real Objects

In order to a child quickly talk, the parents should say something to the child while showing a concrete object of what was said. So that be a variation, you can also invite the child to the zoo and mention the objects and animals that were there while showing a real physical form. Mentioning, pointing, and describing an object will increase the development of language, cognitive and social development of the ducky.

  • The children aged 18 months to 2 years, will learn one new word per week,
  • The child aged 2 years should have saying 50-200 words,
  • Increasing the ability of children speech can by often Talking to Child, Reading the Story Books, Showing the Form of Real Objects.

The Health Tips for The Pregnant Women when Working

Pregnant Women Health Tips when Working
The pregnant women health is should get more attention, because it will relate to the health of her fetus too. So the health would be a desire for all the pregnant women, especially for the career women or pregnant women who are not only a homemaker, but also worked.

The pregnant women lifestyle has an important role to keep the health. This includes the life at home and at work. But certainly the more difficult is the lifestyle adjustment in the workplace. This is caused when a pregnant woman in the office are required to work according to the company rules, but in other side she must keep the condition of the body to remain healthy.

The health regulation and the occupational safety should be prioritised to protect the pregnant women and the fetuses in the workplace. So the boss or the colleague should realizes and gives the sag or tolerance of every risk or hazard that can affect the health of pregnant women.

The potential risk of harm for the pregnant women in the workplace is usually derived from the matters or the work materials, the work system does much excessive traveling, working up and down stairs or excessive weight work should be avoided. Besides, there are several factors that should also be considered, that are:

Evaluation the workroom

Working at the front of computer is not going to harm the developing of fetus in the womb. But, the pregnant women are usually more susceptible toward the symptom of numb or weary fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome), so that the arrangement of table and chair should be as comfortable as possible.

Do not wear the high heels

The using of high heels when in the office can cause stretching of the muscles in the waist region. So that can trigger the side effects of pain and stiffness in the waist region at the pregnant women. Because the using of high heels, then a change in the axis of the body that tend to bend forward. This condition causes a pregnant woman trying to enforce the body by stretching the muscles of the waist and back. And when pregnant the load forward become a double, so increasing the risk of back and waist pain. Using high heels also increases the risk of pregnant women are falling, so trigger the trauma, fetal defects even miscarriage.

Enough rest

Although still working in the office, do not force to work continuously, have a time moment to rest for a while although not at rest time. If you have sit for too long, please stand up and straight your legs and move slowly. However, if the job requires to stand, then have a time to sit down for a moment, lift the legs straight, or you can also using the extra seat as a buffer.

Do not hesitate to accept the partner help

If there is colleague who want to helps your work, do not hesitate to accept the offer. You certainly are lucky to be in a work environment that supports your condition during the pregnancy.

The pregnant women who work should also relieve the stress when at the office, with a breathing exercise, yoga, stretching or just take a walk around your desk. You also need to watch the healthy diet, by providing the snacks and a nutritious drink on the desk. Drink plenty of water, vegetables, fruits and avoid drinking coffee, soft drinks and alcoholic. The pregnant women should also wear the comfortable clothes, absorb the sweat, and avoid clothes that are too tight when working.

  • The more hazardous condition in the pregnant women when in the office than when at home,
  • The pregnant women health who working should be with the support of colleagues and boss at workplace,
  • To keep healthy when working, the pregnant women should not wear the high heels, drink and rest enough, and providing the healthy food.
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